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学号: 20135103003 《信息安全技术》课程结业论文 学 院 计算机与信息技术学院 专 业 信息管理与信息系统 年 级 2013级 姓 名 黄迪 论文题目 基于DES的对称加密算法设计与实现 指导教师 郭颂 职称 2016年6月2日 基于DES的对称加密算法设计 摘要: 随着信息技术的发展,人们在享受信息资源所带来巨大的利益同时,也面临着信息安全的严峻考验,信息安全已经成为世界性的现实问题,同时信息安全问题也是人们能否维护自己的个人隐私的关键,因此信息加密就变得尤为重要。DES算法是众多数据加密算法中的一种,在过去的几十年中在数据加密领域有着举足轻重的地位,然而随着计算机技术的发展,DES算法的安全性也被大大地降低,针对DES的暴力破解所用的时间在逐年减少,为了能使DES这种优秀的加密算法能够重新使用,本文将针对就DES的暴力破解提供一种有效的解决方案:基于DES算法迭代算法的改进,对DES的密钥长度进行了扩展,使DES的安全性得到了增强,同时相较于DES算法的改进算法3DES算法,效率上会比3DES高,安全性上也不会逊色于3DES。 关键词:DES,密钥扩展,迭代算法。 Abstract: With the development of information technology, people in the enjoyment of information resources brought about tremendous benefits at the same time, is also facing a severe test of information security, information security has become the reality of the world, and the problem of information security is the ability of people to maintain their own personal privacy key, so the information encryption becomes particularly important. DES algorithm is a large data encryption algorithm, in the past few decades in the field of data encryption plays an important role, but with the development of computer technology, the security of DES algorithm has been greatly reduced, used for the brute force of DES reduce the time in every year, in order to make DES this excellent encryption algorithm to be used again, this article will provide an effective solution to brute force DES: improved DES algorithm based on iterative algorithm, the key length of DES had been extended to the safety of DES has been increased, and compared with the improved 3DES algorithm DES algorithm, efficiency will be higher than the 3DES, security is not inferior to 3DES.


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