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本科毕业论文(设计) (2013届本科毕业生) 题  目:国际经济法视域下的中国意识与全球化 学生姓名: 胡雅琼 学生学号: 学院名称: 国际商学院 专业名称: 国际经济法 指导教师: 李青 二零一三年五月 摘 要 本文从法律角度出发,论述中国在国际社会中,应当有清晰的“中国意识”,即使在全球化的背景下,也应该从自身的实际角度出发,决不能轻易妥协于有悖于公平正义的规章制度。当然,不论是在政治上还是在经济上,要想在国际社会得到发展,就必须在多方面与世界接轨,这是历史发展的必然模式。在这里强调的“中国意识”,一方面是不屈从于发达国家的霸权主义和强权政治,一方面是必须有计划有步骤地融汇世界先进的法律精髓为我所用,强调法律的融会贯通,注重法律的本土化,从我国的实际国情出发。“中国意识”与全球化看似是相逆相悖的,但实际上,二者互为前提而存在,相互促进发展。由于目前仍处于国际政治经济旧秩序之中,霸权主义和强权政治依然是南北矛盾的焦点,主张“中国意识”、珍惜经济主权,有利于促进全球化的正常方向发展,建立国际政治经济新秩序,为国际社会的长远发展打下基石,这就需要广大的发展中国家,纷纷加强主权意识,珍惜来之不易的政治主权和经济主权,只有广大的发展中国家敢于在国际社会中坚持自我的正义主张,争取本应具有的话语权,才能够打破旧秩序对第三世界国家的束缚,实现世界所有民族的普遍发展。在“中国意识”与全球化之间谋求平衡是自我发展与世界发展的关键,只有在两者间寻求平衡才能够实现现代国家的发展。 关键词:中国意识,全球化,平衡,经济主权,新秩序 On Consciousness of China and Globalization from the View of International Economical Law Abstract: Legally, the paper discoursing that in the international society, China should have clearly thinking of Consciousness of China; the consideration should come from our reality and couldn’t compromise with the unfair rules, even in the background of globalization. Of course, wither in policy or economy, if we want to get development in the international society, it is needed to linking-up with the world in many fields, which is the inevitable mode of the history’s going on. What we emphasize the Consciousness of China here has two sides, one is unyieldingness from the developed nation’s hegemonic and power politic, the other side is to assimilate the best features of world of law, and turn it to be a part of ourselves, stressing the well digested completely understood of the law from the outside and highlighting the localization of the law, it’s better to come from our country’s basic condition. Consciousness of China and Globalization seemly to be contrarily, however, they are mutually beneficial. As the world still ruled by the old international order, the hegemonic and power politic is the focus of north and south world. Emphasizing the Consciousness of China and


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