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ADVOCATING PROFESSIONAL ETHIC “There is no excellent ethic, one cant possess of foresight. There is no great capability, one cant possess of insight.” This wisdom is an annotation to morality, culture and sentiment. Each DZX is behaving lofty sentiment and self-disciplined spirit all the time. They strictly abide by the practicing principle and the professional ethic. “岁月不居,时光如流 ”。从1989年成立深圳市资产评估事务所起,至1999年企业改制更名以来,经历了十几年的风雨历程。今天,展现在您面前的是一个日益成熟,渐具规模和蕴含巨大潜力的资产评估专业机构___深圳市德正信资产评估有限公司。 “千帆竞发,百舸争流”。在这个充满激情与活力的时代,困难与希望同在,机遇与挑战并存。深圳市德正信资产评估有限公司的全体员工,凭着不断提高的专业素质,独到的真知灼见,良好的敬业精神,高度的社会责任感,努力做好本职工作,年年递创佳绩,得到了政府各级部门、企业,社会各界朋友及同行的肯定与赞同,在评估行业中铸就了良好的口碑。 “逆水行舟,不进则退”。当前评估行业进入了“以质量求生存,以信誉求发展”的新时期,我们要继续遵循“崇尚职业道德,坚持独立公正,树立服务诚信,实现兴业育人”的企业宗旨。在时代的浪潮中,劈波斩浪,乘胜前进,争创辉煌! Time flies. It has been over a decade since Shenzhen Assets Valuation Office was first established in 1989 and renamed as Shenzhen Dezhengxin Assets Valuation Co., Ltd. in 1999. After years of development, Dezhengxin has grown into a professional assets valuation institution with large scale and great potential. This is an age of passion and vitality. Before us, there are hopes and chances, and there are difficulties and challenges as well. We have made continuous leaps forward with good achievements of our professionals based on competency, creativeness, diligence and social responsibility. With universal praises from governmental administration, commercial institutions and clients in varied trades , we have won great prestige in the field of assets valuation. Stagnancy means failure in the market competition. As we are entering a new era, the industry of assets valuation calls more for quality and credit. Difficulties are always there, and our courage will prevail. With our vision “Advocating professional ethic, Insisting independence and justice, Establishing service credibility, Realizing the goal of personnel cultivation”, we are determined to brave over all challenges and make ever great achievements in the


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