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摘 要 纵观国际贸易的发展史,不论是在自由贸易时期、垄断时期,还是经济全球化时代,贸易保护都是一种事实上的常态,活跃于国际经济贸易的各个历史舞台。每一历史阶段,不同的国家都通过不同的国际贸易理论、政策与制度体现了贸易保护的特定功能与历史作用,清晰地展现了贸易保护制度在理论上从重商主义到新贸易保护主义、在政策上从单纯的贸易保护到有保护的自由贸易、在制度形式上从关税制度到非关税制度、在制度范围上从一国内的措施到国家之间的协调机制的产生、发展与演变的客观历史过程。历史的规律为我们把握现实与未来奠定了坚实的现实基础。研究历史,认清现状,对于我国政府和企业界具有十分重要的意义。我国政府和企业必须清醒地认识到贸易保护制度客观存在的现实,认真探讨应对贸易保护制度的措施。 本文总结了贸易保护主义的历史演变过程,分析了理论产生的背景,在此基础上对该理论的实施内容和保护手段进行了系统的归纳总结。然后,剖析了贸易保护主义产生的原因及其发展的特点,探讨了中国在对外贸易中所遭受到的贸易摩擦的类型及其成因,最后提出中国应对贸易保护主义的策略:加强国内立法和执法等措施。 关键词:贸易保护主义 演进 应对策略 ABSTRACT According to the development of the international trade history, the trade protectionism plays a significant role in each stage ranging from the free trade time, monopoly time to the economic globalization time. With looks back on the background and the theories of the legal system of the trade protection and collecting laws and regulations relating to the trade protection in the main countries,the legal characteristics and the implementing impact of the legal system of trade protection in different stages are analyzed. The theories of the legal system of the trade protection are from the mercantile system to the new protectionism. The trade protection policy is from pure trade protection to the free trade policy with trade protection. And the process of forms and scope of the system is also clear. The historical rule will grasp the reality and the future for us has laid the solid realistic foundation. The research on history, clearly recognizes the present situation, and has the very vital significance regarding to our country Government and the business community. China Government and the enterprises must realize the reality of the existence of the trade protection system and discuss earnestly to deal with the trade protection systems measure. This thesis summarizes the historical process of trade protectionism and introduces the background of this theory. Based on that, the content and the methods of protectionism are concluded in detail. And then this dissertati


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