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2016 年第 29 卷第 6 期 粮食与油脂 17 温度及光照对亚麻籽油贮藏稳定性影响研究 易 志,吴雪辉,沈 冰,李 扬 (华南农业大学食品学院, 广东广州 510642 ) 摘 要:为研究亚麻籽油贮藏稳定性,以初榨亚麻籽油为原料,测定贮藏过程中油脂的过氧化值、 酸价、K232 、K270 和TBA 值,探讨了温度和光照对贮藏过程中亚麻籽油品质的影响,采用主成分 分析法进行数据处理。结果表明,亚麻籽油的氧化稳定性随温度的升高明显降低,60 ℃贮藏条件 下亚麻籽油的过氧化值增长速率分别是50、40、30 ℃的3.02、5.88、22.4 1 倍,酸价增长速率分别是 50、40、30 ℃的2.22、10.60 和29.96 倍。不同光照条件下,以避光贮藏的亚麻籽油品质最佳,其各 项品质指标均优于日光灯和自然光下贮藏的亚麻籽油。主成分分析结果表明,第一主成分可以解 释各品质指标89.40% 的信息,其中,过氧化值对第一主成分的贡献最大,其次是TBA 。 关键词:亚麻籽油;贮藏稳定性;温度;光照;主成分分析 Effects of temperature and light on the storage stability of flaxseed oil YI Zhi ,WU Xue-hui ,SHEN Bing ,LI Yang (College of Food ,South China Agricultural University ,Guangzhou 510642 ,Guangdong ,China ) Abstract :Using virgin flaxseed oil as materials ,the effects of temperature and light on quality of flaxseed oil were analyzed in order to evaluate the storage quality of flaxseed oil. The parameters ,were determined after several days of storage including peroxide value ,acidity value ,absorption coefficients K270 ,K232 and TBA value ,principal component analysis (PCA )to process data. The results showed that the oxidation stability of flaxseed oil reduced significantly with the storage temperature increasing. The growth rate of peroxide value of flaxseed oil in 60 ℃was found 3.02 times of that in 50 ℃,5.88 times in 40℃,and 22.4 1 times in 30 ℃ ,respectively. The growth rate of acid value was considered the fastest in 60 ℃,2.22 ,10.60 ,29.96 times of that in 50 ,40 ,30 ℃,respectively. The effects of different kinds of light on the quality of flaxseed oil was studied ,showing that the quality of oil placed without light was the best ,of which indicators were better than oils in fluorescent lamp and daylight. Principal component analysis demonstrated t


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