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CET6新大纲新题型冲刺高分必考词、高频词、预测词与短语 写作15%(含论文、信函与图表等) 作文常用连词、过渡词 顺序 对比 肯定 例证 first however certainly for instance second on the other hand obviously for example then in spite of certainly just as earlier though plainly in particular following but 条件 namely initially on the contrary if to illustrate to begin with yet whether on example next instead of provided that such as after this whereas so that 理由 after ward nonetheless for as 结果 compared with denpending on because as a result alternatively unless due to therefore despite undoubtedly so thereby otherwise of course since in that case even though 附加 owing to thus in constrast similarly the reason why so admittedly as well as in other words counsequently 总结 besides leads to it followss that finally furthermore cause eventually in conclusion moreover 时间 then in summary and then as soon as 定义/诠释 lastly not only…but at the moment is to sum up even before refers to to conclude besides this since consists of to recapitulate and meanwhile means in short also just as that is     when       whenever       until 快速阅读10%(1篇,内容多为旅游休闲度假、教育、生活) 旅游休闲度假相关单词 altar n.坛 platform n.月台,站台 amphitheatre n.圆形剧场 porter n.门房 ascend vi.攀登,登高 rack n.行李架 backpacker n.背包旅行者 recreation n.消遣,娱乐活动 bellboy n. 侍者 resort n.度假胜地 berth n.铺位 route n.旅行路线 buffet n.小卖部 safe-conduct n.安全通行证 caravansary n.商队旅馆,大旅舍 safeguard n.保护措施;护照 check-in n.登记 seaside n.海滨(胜地);海边 check-out n.结账 sight n.情景,名胜,风景 customs n.海关 sightseeing n.观光浏览 excursion n.远足 sleeper n.卧铺 expedition n.探险;探险队 spectacle n.场面;景象,奇观 gamble n.赌博 vt.冒…的险 stowaway n.偷乘船(飞机)者 guidebook n.旅游指南 stray vi.迷路 hike vi.作长途徒步旅行 stroll n.散步,溜达,闲逛 itinerary n.旅程 suite n.套房 landscape n.风景,景色,景致 terminal n.航站楼 lobby n.旅馆大厅 terrace n.台 motel n.汽车旅馆 ticket-collector n.收票员 pavilion n.亭 visa n.签证 文化教育相关单词 album n.文选 instructor n.指导者,教员 algebra n.代数学 interpret vt.解释 vi.口译 astronomy n.天文学 intonation n.语调,声调;发声 bachelor n.学士 manuscript n.手稿,底稿,原稿 calculus n.微积分


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