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英汉对译中的不可译现象 吕晓菲 海水潮,朝朝潮,朝潮朝落。 浮云涨,长长涨,长涨长消。 Sea-waters tide, day to day tide, every day tide and every day ebb. Floating clouds appear, often appear, often appear and ofen go. “ 没良心的!狗咬吕洞宾——不识好歹。” (《红楼梦》二十五回) You ungrateful thing! Like the dog that bit Lu Tung-pin-you bit the hand that feeds you.(杨宪益译) “去设埋伏我们都没有信心,想他一定在昨天晚上就早溜了,今天去也是瞎子点灯白费蜡。” (曲波《林海雪原》十一章) We had no confidence in today’s ambush because we were sure he had escaped last night. It seemed as useless as a blind man lighting a candle.( S. Shapiro译) 客上天然居,居然天上客。 He who goes to Tian Ran Ju is really a heavenly guest. Madam, I’m Adam. 夫人,我名叫亚当。 上面,是湛蓝湛蓝的天;下面,是墨绿墨绿的地。透明、深邃、美丽,可是,中间有一片被挤扁了的黑色人群。 Above, a deep blue sky. Below, the dark green land. Transparent, profound, beautiful. But squashed in between these two black lines of human beings. 女人的脾气是一条流到沙漠中的河。开始时汹涌澎湃,流到后来就会无影无踪。 A woman’s anger is like a river flowing out into the desert: at the beginning it is turbulent and surging, but after it has run on for a while it begins to disapeear. 马老婆子八岁就给山东的一家小地主当童养媳。 At the age of eight, Old Lady Ma had been sold into a Shandong household as a child bride. 他痛恨那些牛鬼蛇神完全出于一片对革命的虔诚:领导上说是坏人肯定是坏人! His hatred for “class enemies” was a result of his total belief in revolution. If the leaders said the “cow ghosts and snake demons” were bad men, then surely they were evil. Literally “cow ghosts and snake demons”, this is usually translated as “class enemies of all kinds,” or “forces of evil”. 你们这些“臭老九”哇,尽会拿别人的鞭子抽自己。 You damn “Stinking Nines” will always be taking somebody else’s whip to thrash yourselves. From 1966 to 1976, the extreme leftists within the Communist Party divided ‘ class enemies’ into nine kinds of people: Landlords, rich farmers, counter-revolutionaries, bad elements, rightist elements, capitalist roaders, spies, traitors and intellectuals. In general, ‘Stinking Nines’ referred to intellectuals 你想想,从五七年开始,我就不断地在运动里当“运动员”……你看看,我还有功夫谈对象、闹恋爱吗? Think about it.