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Chin J M ar D rugs , 2007 February , Vol . 26 N o. 1 中国海洋药物杂志 2007 年 2 月第 26 卷第 1 期 Daidzein and Genistein produced by a Δ marine Micr omonos p or a ca r bon acea FIM 02635 J IAN G Hong 1 ,2 , C H EN G Yuanrong1 ,ZH EN G Wei1 ( 1. F uj i an I ns ti t ute of M ic robiology , F uz hou 350007 , Chi na; ) 2 . F uj i an M e d ical Uni vers i ty , F uz hou 350004 , Chi na Abstract : Objective To st udy t he active secondary met abolit es f rom marine microor gani sm F IM02635 . Meth ods The p roducing st rain was identified by t axonomical and p hylogenetic st udies. Two compounds FW635 I1 and FW635I2 wit h immuno supp ressive activities were ext ract ed by or ganic solvent s from t he cult ure brot h and p urified by silica gel column chromato grap hy and high sp eed count er current chromatograp hy . The st ruct ures of t he two compounds were det ermined by p hysicochemical p rop erties and sp ect ral analyses ,t he biological ac tivities were a ssayed i n v i t ro . Results and Conclusion The p ro ducing st rain wa s named as M ic rom onosp ora ca r bonacea FIM 02635 . Two compounds FW635I1 and FW635 I2 were det ermined to be i soflavone Daidzein and Geni st ein , resp ectively , showed immuno supp ressive and antit umor activities , but not antimicrobial activities. Key words :M icrom onosp ora ; immuno supp ressive ; i soflavones [ CL C number] R979 . 1 [ Document code] A [ Article ID] N000805 海洋碳样小单孢菌产生的大豆黄素和染料木素Δ 江红1 ,2 ,程元荣1 ,郑卫1 ( 1. 福建省微生物研究所 ,福建 福州 350


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