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哈 尔 滨 理 工 大 学 毕 业 设 计 题 目: 北斗定位系统研究 院、 系: 荣成学院 电气工程系 姓 名: 朱瑞锋 指导教师: 侯甲童 系 主 任: 王哈力 2016年6月24日 北斗定位系统研究 摘 要 全球卫星导航系统已经成为重要的信息产业之一,越来越多的国家注意到其巨大的潜在价值。并成为衡量一个国家综合实力强弱的工具,成为各国研究的重点。 本设计主要对基于STC89C52单片机的北斗定位接收机的软硬件系统展开了研究。首先,研究了北斗导航系统的发展现状、原理和特点;其次,选用和芯星通的UM220-ⅢN芯片为北斗模块的核心芯片;然后,研究了接收机芯片的工作原理和特征,确定了北斗导航接收机的硬件和软件整体方案;最后,在此方案的基础上进行了软硬件的调试。本次设计的接收机首先通过北斗模块接收定位信息,然后发送给单片机进行信息处理,最终在显示模块显示且在语音模块播报。 本设计所做的北斗导航接收机实现了精准定位。可以用LCD12864显示经纬度、速度、时间、日期,并且用YS-M3语音播报模块播放经纬度。 关键词 卫星定位系统;北斗;STC89C52;UM220-ⅢN芯片 The Research of Beidou Positioning System Abstract The global satellite navigation system has become one of the important information industry.More and more countries pay attention to its huge potential value.It has become the tool to measure a nations comprehensive strength , and a focus of research. In this design, the hardware and software system of the Beidou positioning receiver based on STC89C52 single chip microcomputer is studied. Firstly, the paper studies the development, principle and characteristic of the Beidou navigation system; secondly, choose the He Xin Xing Tong UM220- III N chip as the core chip of Beidou module; then, study the working principle and characteristics of the receiver chip, determine the Beidou navigation receiver hardware and software of the overall program; finally, on the basis of this scheme were the debugging of the hardware and software. The design of the receiver first through the Beidou module to receive positioning information, and then sent to the microcontroller for information processing, and finally in the display module display and broadcast in the voice module. This design for the Beidou navigation receiver has realized the accurate positioning. It can be used LCD12864 display latitude and longitude, speed, time, date, and with YS-M3 speech module play the latitude and longitude. Keywords Satellite


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