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As to my mechanical abilities, I can take dictation at the rate of l80 words a minute, and transcribe at the rate of l00 words per minute, a speed which won me the Junior Transcribing Championship in Liaoning province. I taught at the Business School in An Shan, covering the subjects of book-keeping, filing, and elementary accounting. I am familiar with your type of work because my father ran a small printing business in An Shan and for some time before I left home at the age of 22, I was acting secretary and the treasurer of his company. 愿意毫无保留地举荐(某人) be pleased to recommend somebody without reservation 热诚地推荐某人 heartily recommend somebody 兹推荐某人前来…请予以考虑 wish to present somebody for your favorable consideration 兹举荐(某人) be to recommend sb. 有幸举荐(某人) consider it a great honor to recommend sb. 前面文件上所盖的___公司之印鉴属实 The official seal affixed by the _____Company to the above document is genuine. 求职信、推荐信常用术语 申请出国深造 application for further study abroad 求职申请 application for a job/position 证明人, 介绍人 reference 简历 resume /curriculum vitae(CV) /autobiography 个人情况 personal information/ personal data 婚姻状况 marital status 申请入学 apply for admission to a school 科技发明之星/创新之星奖 Star of scientific/technological invention/innovation 求职信、推荐信常用术语 亲爱的何先生: 您将来或许需要一位新的私人秘书。我之所以毛遂自荐,极感兴趣的原因是:我听说您工作头绪繁多,可效率很高,在您手下工作的人无疑是一种挑战。这种挑战正是我所企盼的,因为毫不夸张地说,我在文秘方面受过严格的训练,唯有对高难度的工作才感兴趣。 至于机械性工作能力,我可以每分钟笔录180个词,誊写100个字,这个速度使我赢得了辽宁省初级誊写竞赛第一名。我在鞍山商业学校教过书,教过簿记、档案和基础会计。 我对您那里的业务很熟悉,因为家父曾在鞍山市开过一家小印刷厂。在我22岁离开家以前,曾在那里当过一段时间的秘书并管理过公司的财务。 我想不出还有什么工作能比当您的私人秘书更能发挥我的特长的了,因为我不但受过职业训练,有工作经验,我还在印刷业的环境中长大,学到了处理日常具体事务的方法,可以为您和您的企业服务。 此致 敬礼 杨梅梅 推荐信练习 Dear Mr. He, Someday in the future you may have a need for a new private secretary. Here is why I should like to offer myself for the job, and here is why I am so much interested in obtaining it. For one thing, I know that y



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