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第30 卷第9 期 合肥工业大学学报( 自然 科 学 版 ) Vol. 30 No . 9 2007 年9 月 JOURNAL OF H EFEI UNIVERSITY OF TECH NOLOGY Sept. 2007 方达宪, 曹广学, 范文莹 ( , 230009) : , ; , ; , , , : ; ; :T V134 :A : 1003-50 0( 2007) 09- 1193-05 Development of hydraulic equipment for experiment on water-hammer and the surge chamber FANG Da-xian, CAO Guang-xue, FAN Wen-ying ( School of Civil Engineering, H efei University of T echnology, H efei 230009, China) Abstract: Introduced herein is the self-invented hydraulic equipment for experiment on w ater-hammer ( WH) and the surge chamber. T he equipment can be used to determine the regular patterns of the valves opening and closing, the maximum WH pressure under different velocities of the flow along the pipe, the graph of WH pressures variation, the WH pressure distribution along the pipe, the highest and low est water levels in the surge chamber and the process of w ater level attenuation in the surge chamber. By means of computer control, it can perform data collection and w ave-model inquiry. Ex- periments are carried out, w hich show s that the measured value of the maximum WH pressure agrees w ell w ith the theoretical one, and that the highest and low est w ater levels in the surge chamber and the w ater level fluctuation process accord w ith the practical situation as the surge chamber is installed. Key words: water-hammer pressure; surge chamber; w ater level in the surge chamber [ 2] , , , [ 3] , , , ,


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