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Il=:!~E.~~~~立三日FURE F自曹营居区 B F自自警醒 睡3 绚烂如烟花 by Diana Cao 蕾欣欣 NewYear and Christmas day are worldwide grand events. and 白reworks are essential decora- tions for the celebrations. as well as the most amazing idea to kick 0仔a brand new year. 丁egeth­ er with family in thejoyous festiva l atmosphere. looking up at the fabulous and dreamy ñreworks in the night sky ca n count as one of the best memories t hroughout the lifetime. Fireworks in China provide a particu lar perspective to penetrate into the Chinese culture as t hey have been prided as one of the great inventions of ancient Chinese. and always have a fascinat ing role to play in occa5ional celebration5. fe5tival5. ceremonies and victorie5. etc.. all over the world. Isnt it interesting to have a look back into the origin of 币reworks? Or in real production. what standards are applied to ensure the safety and rein the5e .hot-temperedproduct5 50 e而ciently? History of Fireworks According to a Chinese legend, the invention of firecrackers was attributed to a Chinese cook around 200 A. D. The cook accidentally mixed three ingredients commonly found in the kitchen, namely charcoal, sulfur and potassium nitrate (sa忧 substi­ tute), and then noticed that when the mixture was


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