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山西省太原市第五中学2015-2016学年高一英语5月月考试题 第I卷 选择题 (共50分) I. 阅读理解。(共15小题,计30分) A A teenager and his family have been praised as heroes after rescuing five children from a fire. Mathew Robinson, 18, his mother and his father rushed to help when a neighbor’s home went up in flames. Jackie Robinson, 40, climbed a ladder to pull 12-year-old Tamara Barlow and her 16-month-old brother from their first-floor bedroom. Mathew went up the ladder and into the smoke-filled room to save two more children after their 16-year-old sister Charlotte climbed down. Last night, fire fighters said one or more of the children would almost certainly have died had it not been for the Robinsons. However, Matthew denied they were heroes. He said, “Anyone would have done the same thing. I was in the right place at the right time.” The fire at the home in Dorset, began around 9:30 p.m. On Sunday night. The Robinsons heard the children’s mother screaming “Get them out”. Matthew rushed through the front door, but was beaten back by flames. After his parents helped three of the children down the ladder, he climbed into the bedroom to get the others. “Being in the room full of smoke, it was impossible to see anything. I had to feel my way round the room, trying to find the two kids and get them to make some noise, so I could find out where they were,” he said. “The boys were in a pretty bad state, and almost passed out. They were unable to say anything.” Steve Isaac, station manager at Weymouth Community Fire Station, said, “There was some very, very quick thinking on the part of Matthew and his father Jackie. They showed great bravery and helped save some lives. Normally we would never encourage people to go into a burning building but, on this occasion, it all worked out well.” How many children did Matthew’s father save? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. What made the Robinsons aware of the fire? A. The flames of the fire. B. The smell of the smoke.


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