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辽宁中医杂志 2010年第 37卷第 7期 # 1331#
# 方药纵横#
(南京中医药大学, 江苏 南京 2 10046)
: 目的: 研究从芡实中提取多糖的方法, 并建立其含量测定方法方法: 考察了加热回流不同 度浸提超声
波振荡等方法提取芡实多糖, 采用苯酚- 浓硫酸方法显色, 利用紫外分光光度计在 489nm 处进行测定多糖含量结果:
芡实多糖于 45e 超声波振荡提取效果最佳, 在 10~ 70L g# mL- 1的范围内, 样品的浓度与吸光度有良好的线性关系, 线
性回归方程为A = 121071C - 01 0123, r= 01 9990结论: 超声波振荡提取多糖, 方法简单, 提取率高, 解决了芡实中淀粉
蛋白等物质的干扰问题, 其含量测定方法快速简便, 灵敏度高, 可用于芡实多糖的含量测定
: 芡实; 多糖; 提取; 苯酚 - 浓硫酸; 含量测定
: R28412 : A : 1000- 1719( 20 10) 07- 131- 03
Extraction and Quantitative Determ ination of the Polysaccharide Content in Gordon Nut
SON G J ing, WU Q i-nan
(N anj ing University of ChineseM edicine, N anj ing 2 10046, J iang su, China
Abstract: Obj ective: Study on th xtraction m thods of th polysaccharid con t nt in Gordon nut, and stab lish am thod for
th quantitativ d t rm ination.M ethods: Insp ct th xtraction m thods of th polysaccharid cont nt in Gordon nut w ith h at r -
flux, w at r bath at th d f r nt t m p ratur and ultrason ic xtraction; W ith C H OH - H SO coloration, in us sp ctrophotom tric
6 5 2 4
m thod was us d to analyz polysaccharid con t nt in Gordon nut, th d t ction w av l ngth w as at 489 nm . R esu lts: U ltrasonic x-
traction at 45e is th optmi alm thod of th poly saccharid cont nt in Gordon nut, Th samp l conc ntration w as good lin ar r la-
- 1
tionship w ith absorbanc w ithin 10~ 70L g# mL . And th quation of lin ar r gr ssion wasA = 121 07 1C - 010 123, r = 019990.
Conclusion: U ltrasonic xtraction m thod of th polysaccharid cont nt is smi pl , h igh xtraction r