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重新定义男子气概 David Yi had an early introduction to beauty regimes. 戴维?李(David Yi)很早就接触到了美容之道。 “Growing up in a Korean household, my mother would give us facials,” said Mr. Yi, the founder of Very Good Light, a website about men and grooming that goes online this week. “She’d put all these creams on me, and I dreaded it. But I started to realize it was indicative of how important it was to present yourself to the world.” “我是在一个韩国家庭长大,从小母亲就会给我们做面部护理,”本周上线的男士美容护理网站Very Good Light的创始人戴维?李说。“她会给我涂各种面霜,我当时很讨厌。但我慢慢意识到,这说明了向世界展示自己是多么重要。” His parents, who moved to Colorado from Korea in 1983, were also vigilant about his daily application of sunscreen, he added with a laugh, threatening punishment if he skipped it. 戴维?李的父母于1983年从韩国移居到了美国的卡罗拉多州。他们很注意让他每日坚持涂防晒霜,还威胁说如果他不涂就会受到惩罚,戴维?李笑着说。 Mr. Yi, 29, sat at a table at Dimes Deli in Chinatown, eating a gluten-free peanut butter cookie and drinking coconut water mixed with chlorophyll. He wore generously ripped black pants, a black T-shirt and a tattoo in script on his arm that read “elevate.” 现年29岁的李坐在唐人街的Dimes Deli餐馆里,正在吃无麸质花生酱饼干,喝着添加叶绿素的椰子汁。他穿了一条有很多破洞的黑裤子和一件黑色T恤,胳膊上有“elevate”(升华)字样的纹身。 After stints as a writer and editor for The Daily News, WWD and Mashable, Mr. Yi decided to lend his expertise to guys who didn’t grow up with an education in personal-care products. “Men are just supposed to figure it out,” he said. With Very Good Light, he hopes “to redefine masculinity and to redefine men’s beauty.” 戴维?李此前在纽约《每日新闻》报(The Daily News)、《女装日报》(WWD)和新闻博客网站Mashable做过撰稿人和编辑,后来他决定拿自己的专业知识为不曾在小时候接触过个人护理知识的男性服务。“人们觉得男人应该自己去搞明白这些东西,”他说。他希望可以通过Very Good Ligh“重新定义男子气概和男性之美。” The timing may be right. 这个时机或许是对的。 “A lot of guys resort to asking questions on Reddit, because they don’t know where else to go,” said Emily Weiss, the founder and chief executive of Glossier, a site that, along with Man Repeller and Refinery29, served as inspiration for Very Good Light. “The younger generation of men are embracing beauty and skin care in a more open-mind


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