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MEASUREMENT OF TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY USINGSHT11/71 INTELLIGENT SENSORAssist. Prof. GrishaSpasov, PhD, BSc NikolayKakanakovDepartment of Computer Systems, Technical University – branch Plovdiv, 25,“TzankoDjustabanov” Str., 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria, +359 32 659 576, e-mail: gvs@tu-plovdiv.bg,kakanak@tu-plovdiv.bgKeywords: temperature and humidity measurements, intelligent sensors,distributed automation and controlThe paper discusses the advantages of intelligent sensors. It presents an SHT11/71 temperatureand humidity combined sensor from Sensirion. This sensor is ideal for developing distributedembedded systems for monitoring environmental parameters.An example application using this sensor is added to present SHT11/71 in real workingcondition. The application is distributedsystem for monitoring temperature and humidity.It uses amicrocontroller with integrated web server to organize the communication and management ofsensors. This application is realized and tested.1. INTRODUCTIONMeasurement and control of temperature and relative humidity has significantappliance in industry, science, healthcare agriculture and controlling technologicalprocesses. These two environmental parameters strongly influence each other and itis critical in some application to measure them in parallel. Using modern technologiesit is possible to combine temperature measurement element, humidity measurementelement, amplifier, ADC, digital interface, calibration memory and CRC calculationlogic in a single chip with very small size [1,3].Using intelligent sensors of this kind can shorten the development time and cost.Integrating ADC and amplifier into sensor’s chip allow developers to optimize sensorelements for accuracy and long-term stability. And that is not all – integrating digitalinterface logic simplifies connectivity and management of sensors. These advantagescan reduce whole time-to-market time and even price [1,3].In presented paper we use SHT11/71 intelligent sensor from Sensirion as
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