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经贸术语 1 单边出口 unilateral export 多边贸易 multilateral trade 互通有无 mutual exchange of needed products 通商路线 trade route 有形贸易 visible trade 中介贸易 intermediate trade 专门出口 special export 推销产品 promote the sale of products 贸易条件 trade terms 贸易盈余 trade surplus 贸易利润 trade returns 贸易费用 trade expense 贸易应付账款 trade accounts payable 贸易应收账款 trade accounts receivable 复进口 re-import 创外汇 to earn foreign exchange initial order 首次订货 trial order 试订单 inquiry sheet 询价单 quotation sheet 开价表 prices set through free bargaining 自由订价 under-quotation 低于货物价值的报价 current price 现行价 specific inquiry 特定询价 经贸术语(2) 经营范围 line of business/business scope 可供商品 goods available 预期销路 prospective outlet 畅销品 good sellers 分销商 distributor 批发商 wholesaler 商会 Chamber of Commerce 国际惯例 international practices 技术转让 transfer of technology 平等互利 equality and mutual benefit 兄弟公司 sister corporation 最终用户 end-user 即期交货 Promote delivery 销售代理 sales representative 驰名中外,久响盛誉 to have long enjoyed a great fame both at home and abroad 商品交易会 commodities fair 展台,摊位 stand 轻工产品 light industrial products 工艺品 arts and crafts 草柳制品 straw and willow products 经贸术语3——关于合同的经贸术语 agreement and contract(协议与合同)? agency agreement 代理协议    agreement on general terms and conditions on business一般经营交易条件的协议    agreement on loan facilities up to a given amount商定借款协议    agreement fixing price共同定价协议 agreement on import licensing procedure 进口许可证手续协议    agreement on reinsurance 分保协议    agreement to resell 转售协议    bilateral agreement 双边协议    bilateral trade agreement 双边贸易协议    commercial agreement 商业协定    compensation trade agreement 补偿贸易协议    distributorship agreement 销售协议    exclusive distributorship agreement 独家销售协议 guarantee agreement 担保协议 international trade agreement 国际贸易协议    joint venture agreement 合营协议    licensing agreement 许可证协议   loan agreement 贷款协议    management agreement 经营管理协议    multilateral trade agreement 多边贸易协议    operating agreement 经营协议    partnership agreement 合伙契约    supply agreement 供货合同    trade agreement 贸易协


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