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图Ⅷ-1 整体骨骼侧面观The skeleton. Lateral View 图Ⅷ-2 整体骨骼左前面观The skeleton. Left anterior view 1 肋骨rib 2 胸椎thoracic vertebra 3 颈椎cervical vertebra 4 颅骨cranium 5 肩胛骨scapula 6 肱骨hiimeius 7 桡骨radius 8 尺骨ulna 9 掌骨metacarpal bone 10 指骨digital bone 11 腰椎lumbar vertebra 12 髂骨ilium 13 尾骨coccyx 14 股骨femur 15 髌骨patella 16 腓骨fubula 17 胫骨tibia 18 跖骨metatarsal bone 19 趾骨digital bone 图Ⅷ-3 头骨背面 The skull .Dorsal aspect 图Ⅷ-4 头骨侧面 The skull. Lateral aspect 图Ⅷ-5 头骨腹面 The skull. Ventral aspect 图Ⅷ-6 下颌骨侧面 The mandible. Lateral aspect 1 枕骨 occipital bone 2 顶间骨 interparietal bone 3 矢状缝 sagittal suture 4 颧骨 malar bone 5 上颌骨 maxillary bone 6 前颌骨 premaxillary bone 7 枕外嵴 external occipital creat 8 顶骨 parietal bone 9 额骨 frontal bone 10 鼻骨 nasal bone 11 鼻间缝 internasal suture 12 前筛孔 preethmoid pore 13 蝶腭孔 sphenopalatine foramen 14 门齿 incisor tooth 15 下颌骨 mandible 16 视神经孔 optic foramen 17 枕骨 occipital bone 18 茎突 styloid process 19 外耳道 external acoustic meatus 20 颞骨 temporal bone 21 腭裂 patoschisis 22 臼齿molar tooth 23 腭骨 palatine bone 24 翼孔 pterygoid apertures 25 破裂孔 foramen lacerum 26 枕大孔 foramen magnum 27 腭后孔 posterior palatine foramen 28 鼻后孔 posterior nasal apertures 29 卵圆孔 foramen ovale 30 鼓骨 tympanic bone 31 舌下神经孔 hypoglossal foramen 32 下颌联合 mandibular symphysis 33 颏孔 mental foramen 34 冠状突 coronoid process 35 下颌支 ramus of mandible 36 角状突 process of horn 37 下颌孔 mandibular foramen 38 翼肌窝 pterygoid fossa 39 髁突 condylar process 图Ⅷ-7 颈椎与胸椎背面The cervical 图Ⅷ-9 前肢骨


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