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第27 卷第6 期 岩 土 力 学 Vol.27 No.6
年 月
2006 6 Rock and Soil Mechanics Jun. 2006
文章编号:1000-7598 -(2006) 06 ―0995 ―05
魏 纲1 1 2 1
,魏新江 ,龚 慈 ,丁 智
(1. 310015 2. 215007)
浙江大学城市学院 土木工程系,杭州 ; 苏州市公路管理处,苏州
摘 要:对盾构法隧道施工引起的土体扰动范围进行了分析,根据极限平衡原理,认为 Loganathan 公式中假定的土体损失
边界条件存在误差。考虑到土体内摩擦角对土体移动的影响,认为垂直土体变形区域边界线的水平倾角应等于(45 °+ϕ/2 ),
而不是45 °。给出了修正的Loganathan 公式,该公式适用于软土地区不排水条件。提出了盾构剪切扰动区范围的计算公式。
算例分析表明,与 Loganathan 公式的计算结果相比,修正公式使沉降槽宽度和土体水平位移有所减小,计算结果与实测数
关 键 词:盾构隧道;土体扰动;土层移动;沉降;土体损失
中图分类号:U 45 文献标识码:A
Study on calculation for shield tunneling-induced ground movements in clays
1 1 2 1
WEI Gang , WEI Xin-jiang , GONG Ci , DING Zhi
(1. Department of Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University City College, Hangzhou 310015, China;
2. Administrant Department of Suzhou Highway, Suzhou 215007, China)
Abstract: The extent of soil disturbance induced by shield tunneling construction is analyzed. It is considered that the assumed
boundary condition of ground loss in Loganathan’s formula exists error based on the principle of limit equilibrium. The influence of
internal friction angle on ground movements is taken into account. It is considered that the level obliquity about boundary line of the
vertical ground formation region should be (45 °+ϕ/2), but not 45 °. The modified Loganathan’s formula is presented, which is only
applicable under the undrained condition in clays. At the same