3B N与ew words and Expressions.ppt

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3B N与ew words and Expressions

Words and Expressions;ambitious adj. having a strong desire for success, power, wealth He is ambitious to succeed in life. He is politically ambitious. Jiangsu Province intends to cash in on the ambitious economic renaissance being planned for the neighboring city Shanghai. ambition ambitiously be ambitious to do…/be ambitious of/ for sth.;[ 四级真题] 1. My brother’s plan are very __; he wants to master English, French and Spanish before he is sixteen. A. arbitrary B. aggressive C. ambitious D. abundant 答案: C arbitrary 任意的,武断的 aggressive 好斗的,侵略性的 abundant 丰富的;[六级真题] 2. My sister is quite __-and plans to get an M.A. degree within one year.(2000-01-58) aggressive B. enthusiastic C. considerate D. ambitious Key: D aggressive 好斗的,侵略性的 enthusiastic热心的 considerate: 考虑周到的;2. appliance n.器具,用具, (尤指)家用电器,器械,装置. This kitchen is full of electrical appliance, such as washing machine, dish washer, liquidizer,etc. [派生]:      appliance apply 应用 application  申请 application;辨析:appliance, instrument, equipment, facility, implement 1) appliance 多指电器,器械(that is especially worked mechanically or by electricity) a medical appliance/ electrical appliances 2) instrument 尤指精细工作或科学上所用的仪器 3) equipment指一台一台的machine或instrument等的统称,指为了生产,工作和研究所需要的 “设备”、 “装备”、 “装置”。 4) facility的涵盖面比equipment宽,指使工作便利的一切东西或环境,包括为某一用途修建的建筑物等,所以对应于汉语的“设施” 5) implement多用于农园艺等方面的工具。 ;3. comparable a. equivalent; similar; that can be compared 比得上的(to);同等的,类似的,可比的(with) The income of farmers is not comparable at present to that of townspeople. The girls are of comparable ages. A heart is comparable with a pump. Nothing is comparable to her beauty. [派生]: compare v. comparative adj.比较的,比较上的;[六级真题] The new laser printer is __ with all leading software. A. comparable B. competitive C. compatible D. cooperative 答案:C;4.chill vt. 使变冷,使冷冻,使感到冷 (同)cold. freeze n. 1)寒冷,寒气2)风寒,寒战(同)cold ,coolness The freezing weather chilled me t


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