CET 与4写作讲座一.ppt

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CET 与4写作讲座一

CET-4/6 作文颠峰讲座 ;一. 命题要求;二. 评分原则及标准;命题方式: 1. 提纲式文字命题 2. 提纲式图表命题 3. 情景+提纲式命题应用文 命题内容:主要涉及两类内容: 1. 关于大学生的学习,校园生活及对将来的工作,人生等方面的态度和看法; 2. 与日常生活息息相关或贴近社会变化,发展和进步的热点话题。着重测试考生用文字评论和说明事物的能力,因此体裁以说明文和议论文居多。; 历年CET-4写作题分析; 历年CET-6写作题分析;范文:On students selecting lecturers; Undoubtedly, free choosing of lecturers is very beneficial to both lecturers and students. On the one hand, it can provide a good chance for a lecturer to prove and show his ability. On the other hand, in this way, students can choose lectures they like and obtain more initiative in learning. However, since it is a free choice, a small number of excellent lecturers will become the focus of most students’ choosing, which will lead to an unreasonable class size and influence teaching effect seriously. / This change can lead to both benefits and problems…….. ;四.高分作文要素:; For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled Digital Age, you should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 1)如今数字化产品得到了越来越广泛的使用,例如: 2)数字化产品的使用对人们工作、学习、生活产生的影响。;范文点评:14分作文-标准分100.5分;is improved greatly by the computer, the Media player and many other digital products. Besides, thanks to the digital products, wherever you go, whatever you do, whenever it is, you can contact your family, friends and colleagues easily. It is far beyond any reasonable doubt that the digital age has arrived. Digital products are a signal of social progress. They do bring us great convenience and happiness. Therefore, everyone should learn to enjoy various digital products. ;五. 识别题型;1.胸有千言万语,却无处落笔。;七. 写作步骤;1.注意审题,列出提纲,以免跑题。;十字箴言:;二. 遣词造句 ;4. in order to → ;8. difficult →;thing →;attract ones attention→ ;remember →;;4. 表示“赞同”,“支持” ---approve of 赞同 ---stand by 支持 ---vote for 投票支持 ---hold with 赞成;8. 表示“原因” ---owing to ---thanks to(引出好原因) ---for the sake of ---(be) due to; Computer and I ; The dawn of the new century witnessed the increasing popularity of computers. Coi


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