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Constitution的课文及翻译 第一部分 作为最高法律的宪法 美国宪法虽然是一部相对比较简单的文件,但它自我定名为“国家的最高法律”。制定这一条款意味着,如果各州宪法或者各州立法机关或美国国会通过的法律与联邦宪法相抵触,它们就是无效的。最高法院在两个多世纪的时间内所作出的各种裁决确认并强化了宪法至上原则。 The U.S. Constitution, a relatively simple document, is the self-designated “supreme law of the land”. This clause is taken to mean that when state constitutions, or laws passed by state legislatures or the national Congress, are found to conflict with the federal Constitution, they have no force. Decisions handed down by the Supreme Court over the course of two centuries have confirmed and strengthened this doctrine of constitutional supremacy. 最后的权力归于美国人民,如果他们愿意,可以通过修正宪法或者起草一部新宪法(这至少从理论上来说是可行的)的方式来改变这部基本法。但是,人民并不直接行使这种权力,他们将日常的管理事务委托给经过选举或者委任的公共官员们。 Final authority is vested in the American people, who can change the fundamental law if they wish, by amending the Constitution, or-in theory, at least-drafting a new one. The people’s authority is not exercised directly, however. The day-to-day business of government is delegated by the people to public officials, both elected and appointed. 公共官员的权力是有限的,他们的公务行为必须符合宪法和根据宪法制定的法律。选举产生的官员必须定期接受改选,届时其业绩要受到彻底的公开审查。委任产生的官员要根据(有委任权的)人或者机关的意愿来做事,而且如果其表现不能令其满意,就会被免职。在这一问题上的例外情况经济就是由总统对最高法院大法官和其他联邦法官的终身性委任。 The power of public officials is limited. Their public actions must conform to the Constitution and to the laws made in accord with the Constitution. Elected officials must stand for re-election at periodic intervals, when their record is subject to intensive public scrutiny. Appointed officials serve at the pleasure of the person or authority who appointed them, and may be removed when their performance is unsatisfactory. The exception to this is the lifetime appointment by the President of Justices of the Supreme Court and other federal judges. 美国人民表达其意愿最常见的方式是选举投票。不过,宪法还是规定了在公共官员出现严重的不法行为或渎职行为时,通过弹劾程序予以免职的做法。第二条第四款规定: Most commonly, the American people express their will through the ballot box. The Constitution, however, does make provision for the removal of a public


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