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GMAT强化数学 ;;GMAT;GMAT数学题型介绍;Problem Solving Data Sufficiency;*. If 4x-2y=8,what is the value of 2x-y? (A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6 (E) 8;* If the product of three consecutive integers is equal to the middle integer, what is the LEAST of the three integers? (A) 2 (B) 1 (C) 0 (D) -1 (E) -2;* If k is an integer and ,what is the greatest possible value of k? (A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 9 (E) 10;;Problem Solving Data Sufficiency;单独(1):a=3 or a=-4 单独(2):a=2 or a=-2 结合起来仍然不行;设 the number of hours budgeted for the job 为 x, the actual number of hours used for the job 为 y: (1)x + y = 140 (2)y – x = 8;答案唯一性原则;1. x = 1 or x = -1;答案充分性原则;条件独立性原则;;;How old is Jim? (1)Eight years ago Jim was half as old as he is now. (2)Four years from now Jim will be twice as old as he was six years ago. D ;Is the positive integer n equal to the square of an integer? (1)For every prime number p .If p is a divisor of n, then so is p^2. (2)n^(1/2) is an integer. B;If x and y are positive integers and x is a multiple of y, is y=2? (1)y?1 (2)x+2 is a multiple of y. E;If x and y are integers between 10 and 99.inclusive,is (x-y)/9 an integer? (1)x and y have the same two digits, but in reverse order. (2)The tens’ digit of x is 2 more than the units digit, and tens digit of y is 2 less than the units digit.;Pam and Ed are in a line to purchase tickets. How many people are in the line? (1)There are 20 people behind Pam and 20 people in front of Ed. (2)There are 5 people between Pam and Ed.;;;arithmetic ;arithmetic ;arithmetic 算术;Symbols;Addition Positive + Positive = Positive Negative + Negative = Negative Negative + Positive = either positive or negative Subtraction The definition of subtraction is: A - B = A + (-B) A minus B is the same as A plus (the opposite of B) Multiplication and division  Positive x Positive = Positive Negative x Negative = Positive Negative x Positive = Negative;real number 实数 rational number 有理数 Ir



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