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The Speakers of 7th National Golf Clubs General Managers Conference Kevin Frank is an Associate Professor of turfgrass science at Michigan State University. Kevin attended the University of Wyoming and played collegiate golf while earning a B.S. in Agronomy. He went on to earn a Master’s (1996) and Ph.D. (2000) in turfgrass physiology and management form the University of Nebraska. Kevin was appointed as an Assistant Professor at Michigan State University in 2000 and promoted to Associate Professor in 2006. Kevin’s role at Michigan State is very diverse with his appointment split between outreach and research responsibilities. Kevin’s job responsibilities include coordinating the educational programming for the Michigan Turfgrass Conference, coordinating the Michigan Turfgrass Field Day, and providing educational programming to professional turf managers through presentations and articles throughout the year. Kevin also conducts numerous consulting visits to golf courses to provide expertise on turf management issues. Kevin’s research interests include turfgrass nutrition and golf turf management and currently advises graduate students from Ireland, South Korea, and the USA. Kevin began teaching ‘Turfgrass 101 for Club Managers’ in the Club Managers Association of America BMI III in 2003. Kevin presented ‘Turfgrass 101 for Club Managers’ at the 2005 World Conference on Club Management in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Kevin also teaches the full day seminar ‘Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers’ for the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America at the annual Golf Industry Show and regionally to golf course superintendent associations. 凯文.弗莱克先生为密歇根州大学草坪学副教授。他从学怀俄明州的大学以及参加学院的高尔夫队并获得自然科学学士学位。而后,他还获得内布拉斯加州大学的草坪生物学硕士(1996年)和草坪养护博士(2000年)。凯文先生2000年被指定为密歇根州大学的助理教授,并在2006年晋升为副教授。 凯文先生在密歇根州的研究范围涉及多个领域。他的工作职责包括为密歇根州草坪会议整理教育计划,他还调整密歇根州整年的草坪活动日,并向众多到高尔夫球场参观者提供草坪管理方面的专门技术。凯文先生的研究包括草坪营养和高尔夫草皮管理以及建议,受到了来自爱尔兰、南韩以及美国的研究生的欢迎。 凯文先生于2003年开始在美国BMI III的俱乐部经理人协会讲习“俱乐部经理人草坪1


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