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*  纵观三年来中考英语的阅卷情 况,考生作文的整体得分不高。 主要问题出在考生词语比较贫乏, 语言素材不够丰富,文章布局、 结构不合理,内部缺少逻辑性等. 一、谋篇布局 花几分钟对整篇文章进行构思 认真审题。对题目中所给的信 息逐条审视,避免遗漏要点。获 取足够的信息后,构思写作的题 目、题材、格式和情景。 二.自然过渡 表示递进补充:besides, what’s more, what’s worse, moreover, in addition... 表示平行、对等或选择: both... and ..., neither ...nor..., as well as, not only... but also... 表示对比转折:on the one hand, on the other hand, on the contrary, yet, however, in spite of, although, while... 表示因果:because of,thanks to , therefore, thus, as a result... 表示解释说明:that is to say, in other words... 表示时间顺序:first,second, then,next,firstly,secondly,lastly, in the end... 表示结论: in a word, as far as I know, above all... 三、丰富句式? 1.熟记经典句子。 There is a general discussion these days over\on education in many schools. According to the survey,the most popular choice of job is computer programming. For my part, I agree with this opinion for the following reasons. Before giving my opinion, I think it is important to look at the arguments/ideas on both sides. This view is now being question- ed by more and more people. Could you please give me some suggestions for vacation spots? I think most people (30% of the People) are in agreement that fruit and vegetables are good for health. I would rather stay at home and read a good book than go to a party. I prefer to listen to classical music rather than go to the concert. The popularity of basketball has risen worldwide. 2.巧用谚语 *


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