职称英语2015版 课文详解 第四十八课.doc

职称英语2015版 课文详解 第四十八课.doc

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职称英语2015版 课文详解 第四十八课

48. The Conscious(有意识) Use of the Subconscious Mind(潜意识) New 对潜意识的有意识利用 1. Nearly all(几乎所有的) of us have had the experience(经历) of riding on a train with no one to talk to, or of sitting through(一直挺到结束) a concert(音乐会) or lecture to which we were not really(不完全是) listening, and having ideas tumble over(打翻) themselves in our minds. This is the subconscious mind at work, taking advantage of(利用) the relaxed state of the conscious mind. It is capable of (能够)doing much of our best thinking and of helping us solve our most perplexing(复杂的) problems. It can bring to bear on all our affairs far more wisdom and experience than our conscious minds command. 1. 几乎所有人都有过这种经历,独自一人坐在火车上没有人聊天,或是 听音乐会或讲座时思想开小差,脑子里的念头此起彼伏。这就是潜意识利用 了有意识的大脑的放松状态在起作用,它能够很好地思维并且帮助我们解决 最复杂的问题,其机智和熟练程度甚至比有意识的头脑更强。 2. There is, of course, a time for concentrated(集中) application to(应用到) our problems. But there is also a time to stop and whittle and let the subconscious mind do its part of the work. For it is accomplishment that we are all after, not activity. 2. 有时我们需要集中注意力在所做的事情上,但有时也需要停下来让潜 意识完成一些工作,毕竟我们追求的是事情的结果而不是做事情本身。 3. Fehr, the French scientist, who made a study of the working habits of his contemporaries(同龄人), says that 75 percent of the scientists stated that their important discoveries came to them when they were not actively(积极地) engaged in research. 3. 法国科学家费尔对于他的同龄人的工作习惯做了一个研究,他发现 7 5 %的科学家认为自己最重大的发现恰恰是在他们没有专注于工作时得到的。 4. Most of us use our conscious minds entirely(全部的) too hard and, as a result, our thinking and our decisions are not as good as(不如…一样好) they should be. The trouble is, we are working with only half our minds, and with less than half of our accumulated experience(经验) and judgment(判断力). As a consequence(因此), we cheat ourselves of many hours of recreation(娱乐) which in themselves add to the effectiveness of our thinking. For relaxation(放松) is the key to the door of the subconscious mind, which works best when we are doing what we like best to do. A happy mind is a healthy mind and it p


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