商务英语写作课件 Unit 16 Job Application Letter and Resume.ppt

商务英语写作课件 Unit 16 Job Application Letter and Resume.ppt

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商务英语写作课件 Unit 16 Job Application Letter and Resume

Unit 16 Job Application Letter and Resume Team work Why are you interested in the job and what makes you qualified for the job. Activity 1 experience skill telephone subjects address school personality position Activity 2 sales; abilities; knowledge; applying; interview document; together; application; needs; employer Activity 3 1. b 2. f 3. a 4. d 5. c 6. e 7. g Structure of an application letter Sender address Date Receiver’s address Salutation Body Complimentary close Enclosure Key sentence: boulevard 大马路 industries产业/ Inc=incorporation apply for 申请 fit …with my… 在…方面适合/符合… Your position requires …in… 你的职位需要具备…的经验 with a major in… 主修…专业的学生 My practical experience as… gave me… 我在…方面的实际经验给我… I’m … that I can perform/do the job well 我自信能胜任这份工作 please consider my….请考虑我的要求 Activity 5 1223 Hampton Boulevard Lowell, MA 01854 Mar 15, 2005 Ms. Diane C. Strand, Manager of Human Resources Atlantic Coast Industries, Inc 2900 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, MA 02135 Yours sincerely Lisa Watson Enclosure: Resume Activity 6 1. on 2. about 3. at 4. by 5. of Activity 7 2. improving 3. training 5. discussing Activity 8 1. the position of systems analyst /the post of systems analyst /the job of systems analyst 2. experience in computer systems 3. a major in management information systems 4. training on a variety of computer systems Activity 9 1. Boulevard 2. March 15, 2005 / 15th March, 2005 3. Manager Avenue 4. Dear applying for My practical experience at Learning Center gained knowledge / acquired knowledge My enclosed resume I am confident / I am sure I am genuinely interested in / I really have interest in contact me please leave a message call you back look forward to 6. Yours sincerely, / Sincerely, / Yours faithfully, Activity 10 Washington Boulevard Washington November 23,2003 / 23 November,2003 Mrs. Mary Green Manager of Human


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