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BEC Preliminary Module 1 - Part 1 Business Topic: World of work By Yan LIU Sun Yat-Sen University 刘燕 中山大学 * * adj.跨文化的 cross-cultural communication(交流) cross-cultural n.技巧 selling technique technique n.工商企业;商行;商业 business topic, business skill business public speaking演说,演讲 public event 公共事件 public interests公共利益 public n.口头报告;陈述;叙述 How to give effective presentations 如何做好口头报告 presentation How to set up a business through the internet 如何通过互联网建立公司 surf the internet 网上冲浪 Internet one-to-one session一对一的培训 The one-to-one teaching situation is the strength of private tutoring.一对一的教学环境是家教的优势。 one-to-one You can start your own consultancy. 你可以成立自己的咨询公司。 JC is a training consultancy for personal and professional development in the workplace. JC是一家为个人和职业发展提供咨询服务的培训咨询公司。 consultancyn.咨询公司 n.顾问 management consultant 管理咨询师 consultant n.积极性、动力、冲力 The stronger the motivation, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.动力越大,学外语越快。 His parents give him so much money that he’s got no motivation to get a job. motivation adj.激发积极性的 She gives motivational talks around the world. 在世界各地发表激动人心的演讲。 motivational run courses开办课程 We have run a course for the local teachers. run workshops开办讲习班 Who is running this company/contest? 谁在经营这家公司/主办这个竞赛? This is a well-run/ badly-run company. 这家公司经营良好/经营很差。 He runs a two-day workshop on mnagement techniques. I’m always on the run. I never find time to relax during the day. 我总是来回奔忙,白天我从来找不到时间放松。 run v. 调动、激发、激励 We’ve got to motivate our salesman我们必须调动推销员的积极性. motivate internationally accredited国际公认的 an internationally accredited public speaker. 一位国际公认的公共演讲者 He is an internationally accredited authority in physics.是国际公认的物理学权威。 Cambridge University is an internationally accredited university. accredited adj.公认的 n.责任,任务;义务 The head of a large company has many responsibilities.大公司领导有许多职责。 responsibility vt.包含;需要; 使成为必要部分 What does your job involve? 你的工作包括哪些职责? involve This is an entertaining and instructive book.这是一本生动有趣,


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