新编剑桥商务英语(初级)unit two.2B.ppt

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新编剑桥商务英语(初级)unit two.2B

Making arrangements Accepting an invitation New Words Expressions festival n. 节日 self-employed adj. 个体的,自己经营的 accept an invitation 接受邀请 special reception 特别招待会 anniversary n. 周年纪念日 venue n. 会场,会议地点 attendance n. 出席,出席人数 New Words Expressions Prague 布拉格(捷克斯洛伐克首都) Morpeth 莫派斯(位于英国诺森伯兰郡) Helsinki 赫尔辛基(芬兰首都) Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯 (阿根廷首都) Toronto 多伦多 (加拿大主要城市) Sydney 悉尼(澳大利亚东南部港口城市,新南威尔士州首府) Grammar: Prepositions of time: at, in, on Writing: Accepting an invitation 接受邀请 Useful language Thank you for… Many thanks for … We can confirm … I confirm our … We will be delighted to … It will be a pleasure to … I’m very sorry, but … I regret that … Possible answer Dear Ms Greer, Thank you for your invitation to the New Directions Book Fair. I can confirm that we will be at the fair on both days. Thank you also for the invitation to the special reception, I regret that neither I nor my colleague, Felix Lund, will be able to attend the reception, as my company have organized an event on Thursday evening. However, I look forward to seeing you again during the day. Best wishes, Bob Olaya Homework 1/ copy the new words 2/ learn the new words by heart 3/ write an email accepting the invitation * Days of the week and parts of named days, named festival days, dates on Parts of the day, months, seasons, years, centuries in Specific times, festivals in general, at dawn, at night, at lunchtime, at the weekend at The letter is to: Mr Olaya The letter is from: New Directions 1 2 3 4 5 6 in in in on on at at *


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