BEC商务英语Module 9.ppt

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BEC商务英语Module 9

Module Nine The Future 难点解释 难点解释 参考译文 语法练习 语法练习 P.87-第5-6题: P.87-第7题: * * 新编剑桥商务英语初级(第三版) Module Nine BUSINESS TOPIC Overview 9.1 Business topic: The future Reading: Press release Grammar: The future The first conditional Reading: Strategies for the future Listening: A strategy meeting 9.2 Business skills: Meetings Reading: tropical storm hits Poland Listening: Crisis meeting Grammar: will + time clauses Speaking: Brainstorming Listening: Crisis strategy Vocabulary: Collocations with meeting Writing: Letter of apology 9.3 Exam spotlight: Reading Test Part Four/Five 词语准备 Words expressions Prototype 原型,样本 Norm 标准 Exhaust emission 废气排放 Hybrid 杂交,混血儿 Electricity generation plant发电厂 Car-oriented lifestyle以车为主的生活方式 Trial version试用品 Tram 有轨电车 Occupant 占有者 Solar panel太阳能电池板 Joint venture 合资企业 Withdraw 撤离,退出 Stabilize使稳定 Mutual benefit互惠 Foreign exchange transaction外汇业务 Low cost electricity低价电 Viable可行的 With a view to 着眼于 With regard to关于 9.1 Reading: Press release Green Environmental Protection Volunteer Green Party 一个环境保护者政党 Green Christmas 绿色圣诞,风行欧洲的节日新主张。在圣诞节呼吁大家少用一张包装纸,减少贺卡的使用量,主动回收废弃的圣诞树等,一点一滴为环保做贡献。 Green collar 绿领一族是一种新的社会阶层,他们崇尚无公害的有机食物,偏爱天然材质的衣服,同时理性地选择家居住房,忠实于生活本质的回归,倡导更合理,更绿色自然的消费与生活。 9.1 Reading: Press release Do you know anything about the hydrogen engine? E.g. Hybrid cars Match the definitions in Ex. 1 Read the first paragraph to do Ex. 2. Continue reading. Meanwhile, underline the words which help you understand the correct answers to Ex. 3. 1.D 2.G 3.H 4.F 5.E 6.B 7.A 8.C 1. B 2. B 3.C 4.B B the expressions of future 1. will for predictions表预测 Filling your tank with hydrogen will soon be the norm. 2. will for offers表提议 I will ask him to call you. 3. Will for promises表许诺 I’ll do it later. 4. be doing最近安排好要进行的动作 Are you coming to tomorrow’s meeting? Grammar: the future 1 5. going to表示计划或意图,以及能看见或有证据表明这个动作一定会发生的未来 She is going to look for a new job in the summer. Consumers are more aware of the envir


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