Unit 11(商务英语阅读教程1).ppt

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Unit 11(商务英语阅读教程1)

Unit 11 Text A: Succeeding as a “Green”Business Warm-up questions 1.What is environmental protection according to your understanding? 2.What should a company do to protect the environment? 3.What approaches can a company adopt in order to be an environmentally friendly company? Background Information Environmental protection is a practice of protecting the natural environment on individual, organizational or governmental levels, for the benefit of both the natural environment and humans. Due to the pressures of population and technology, the biophysical environment is being degraded, sometimes permanently. This has been recognized, and governments have begun placing restraints on activities that cause environmental degradation. Since the 1960s, activity of environmental movements has created awareness of the various environmental issues. There is no agreement on the extent of the environmental impact of human activity, and protection measures are occasionally criticized. Approaches to environmental protection Voluntary environmental agreements Ecosystems approach International environmental agreements Reading Skills: Idiom The features of idiom: 1.Fixness 2.Wholeness 3.Character of nationality 4.Rythorical feature Text Analysis Questions 1.What is “Greenwashing” according to the text? 2.Why does there exist the widespread condemnation of corporations that stand up and shout about their green efforts? 3.Who are the “Greeen” leaders mentioned in the text? 4.What are important to the consumers? 5.How can we cross the gap between how people like the idea of sustainability and how many they will pick the “green” product or service over the cheaper, yet not so eco-friendly one? Notes on the Text 1. Increasing numbers of businesses, both small and large, are jumping on the green bandwagon. →越来越多的企业,无论规模大小,都正一窝蜂地涌向“绿色浪潮”。 jump on:扑向,猛扑,此处jump on the bandwagons为“紧跟潮流,随大流”,也可用climb on the bandwagon e.g.Weinstein is just one of a mushrooming number of internet users who ar


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