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托福写作中的范文临摹;托福写作中的范文临摹;托福写作中的范文临摹;托福写作练习过程中的几个误区;托福写作练习过程中的几个误区;托福写作练习过程中的几个误区;托福写作练习过程中的几个误区;托福写作练习过程中的几个误区;托福写作练习过程中的几个误区;托福写作练习过程中的几个误区;托福写作练习过程中的几个误区;托福写作练习过程中的几个误区;托福写作练习过程中的几个误区;托福写作练习过程中的几个误区;托福写作练习过程中的几个误区;托福写作练习过程中的几个误区;托福写作练习过程中的几个误区;托福写作练习过程中的几个误区;托福写作练习过程中的几个误区;托福写作练习过程中的几个误区;托福写作练习过程中的几个误区;托福写作练习过程中的几个误区;托福写作练习过程中的几个误区;托福写作练习过程中的几个误区;托福写作练习过程中的几个误区;托福写作练习过程中的几个误区;托福写作练习过程中的几个误区;托福写作练习过程中的几个误区;The purpose of an institution that calls itself a “university” is to produce graduates who have been exposed to a wide variety of learning experiences. A true university should attempt to mold its students into scholars who are also “well-rounded” advocates of athletics. In this respect, then, universities most assuredly should fund sports activities and libraries in equal measure. ? How do university students benefit from university-funded sports programs? Students participating in organized university sports learn many useful interpersonal skills that will be of benefit to them in their future careers. A student on the track team, for example, will learn how to strive for a specific goal with persistence and fortitude. A student on the basketball team will learn that teamwork may be more important than individual performance. And the benefits do not just accrue to the students who actually play the sports—the spectators also learn about loyalty and encouragement, as well as good sportsmanship in the face of defeat. ? Of course, the university’s libraries must also receive sufficient funding to provide students with extensive resources for acquiring knowledge. Indeed, the most prestigious universities owe a significant amount of their fame to the size of their libraries’ collections. In 2008, for example, Harvard’s library boasted over 16 million volumes; the Bodleian Library of Oxford University has over 11 million items. Despite the easy availability of research tools on the Internet, a “bricks and mortar” campus library remains a haven for students who relish th


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