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作业: 听写和跟读《Voting systems》录音 完成TPO 5综合写作 交锋式写作法 泰迪教育创始人 祁连山老师 第一课 综合写作 一、鸟瞰iBT 二、综合写作概述 一、鸟瞰iBT 1.iBT结构与目标 Internet-based Speaking test Integrated skills 综合题比例越大,难度越大 写作: 2道题,1道综合写作,1/2 口语: 6道题,4道综合口语,2/3 一、鸟瞰iBT 2.Requirement: Minimal:80 TOP 50:100 TOP 20:110 一、鸟瞰iBT 3.How to obtain 100: R: 27 W: 26 L: 24 S: 23 一、鸟瞰iBT 写作:1 2 3 4 5 6/分 口语:1 2 3 4 7.5/分 一、鸟瞰iBT 托福机经重复规律: 整套重复为主, 组合版本为辅 一、鸟瞰iBT 11.01.08=09.12.11北美托福机经(整套重复) 09.07.25=07.11.24阅读、口语+08.02.01北美考试写作、听力(组合版本) 一、鸟瞰iBT 如何高效使用机经: 一、独立口语和独立写作 二、阅读和听力经典加试 二、综合写作概述 写作题型: 综合写作:3+2+20,150-225 独立写作:30, 300-400 成绩=听力点数x细节 5=3x100% 4=3x80% 3=3x60% 2=2x60% 综合写作评分标准 阅读 听力 A段 A-,B+ B- B段 A1-, B1+ B1- C段 A2-, B2+ B2- D段 B3+ B3- 综合写作要诀 1 阅读要主旨,听力要细节 2 阅读主题句:首段为末句,其余一般为首句;如果有转折(but, however, yet),后面主题句。 3 每段主题句之外的内容要细读,为听力扫清障碍 综合写作要诀 4 听力不需要记: 概括总结:第一段、问句、引出下文、末句总结 转折前面:语气向下、欲扬先抑sure/of course/true 5 用关联词将笔记点串成线性故事 四段式写法 A段:Topic B段:R1—L1 C段:R2—L2 D段:R3—L3 模板一:A段 As can be seen and heard clearly from the reading passage and the lecture, there is no consensus on the question whether … Three points are employed respectively by the writer and the speaker to support their own views. 模板一:A段 As can be seen and heard clearly from the reading passage and the lecture, there is no consensus on the question whether traditional voting system should be replaced by computerized voting system. Three points are employed respectively by the writer and the speaker to support their own view. 模板一:B段 The first thing in the reading is … However,this is seriously challenged by the speaker. As is put in the speaking, … 模板一:B段 The first thing in the reading is that people occasionally vote for the wrong person, which can be avoided by computerized voting system. However,this is seriously challenged by the speaker. As is put in the speaking, it is inconvenient for those who are not used to or cannot afford computers. They will have trouble using computers because of fear of technology. 模板一:C段 Ano


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