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4 4 Vol. 4, No. 4 2001 12 JOURNAL OF BUILDING MAT ERIALS Dec. , 2001 : 1007-9629(2001) 04-0305-06 王培铭, 朱艳芳, 计亦奇, 沈中林 ( , 200092) : 研究了复掺级粉煤灰和同等细度矿渣粉且同时加 高效减水剂的大流动度( 约 180 mm) 混凝土的抗碳化性能. 试验中改变了取代水泥量( 最大为80%) 及掺合料中粉煤 灰和矿渣粉的比例等条件. 混凝土碳化深度随时间的变化可用幂函数d = at b 表示, 其中 b 值大多位于0. 3~ 0. 4. 复掺可使取代水泥量提高. 对设计寿命为50 年的混凝土, 在其 他性能满足工程要求的条件下, 仅就碳化性能而言, 可掺加40% 的粉煤灰. 若采用粉煤灰 与矿渣粉复掺, 则在掺合料总掺量分别为60%, 70% 及80% 时, 相应地可掺加40%, 30% 及15% 的粉煤灰. : 混凝土; 碳化; 粉煤灰; 矿渣粉 : TU528 : A Carbonation Resistance of Concrete Containing Ground Fly Ash and Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag WA N G Pei-mi ng , ZH U Yan-f ang , JI Yi-qi, SH EN Zhong-li n ( State Key La oratory of Concrete Materials Research, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China) Abstract: The car onation resistance of high fluidity ( a out 180 mm) concrete containing fly ash, ground granulated last furnace slag and superplasticiser w as studied. Experimental parameters, such as su stituting content for cement( maximum: 80%) and proportion of fly ash to slag w ere varied. Re- b lation of car onation depth of concrete to time is descri ed y the equation d = at , in w hich b ranges mostly from 0. 3 to 0. 4. Both fly ash and slag are used to increase the total su stituting content of ce- ment. For example, from the point of car onation resistance, concrete designed for 50 years service life allowes addition of fly ash y 40% if all other engineering requirements are satisfied. When oth fly ash and slag are added, the total addition rises to 60%, 70% and 80% , in which fly ash occupies 40% , 30% and 15% , respectively. Key words: concrete; car onation; fly ash; gr


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