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9 3 V ol . 9 , N o . 3 2004 3 Journal of Imag e and Graphics M ar . 2004 黎 明 马 聪 杨小芹 ( , 330034 , , , , , , , : T P 391. 4 1: A : 1006-8961( 2004 0 3-0318-05 Detection of Texture Def ects for Machi ned Surf ace LI Ming, M A Cong , Y A N G X iao -qin ( D ep t. of Te st and Cont rol Eng ineeri ng , N anchang I nst itut e of A eronaut ical T echnology , N anchang 330034 AbstractSurf ace inspectio n fo r quality co nt ro l is the mo st impor tant part o f todays hig hly co mpetitive industr ial pro ductio n . T her e are a g r eat number of manuf acturing pr ocesses w here inspect ion for sur f ace f inishing o r surf ace def ects is att empted : steel str ip , ho t st eel slabs, plastic plates, pa inted sur f aces, w o oden surf aces, pr of iles and etc. But the surf ace inspect ion is usually a bott leneck in many pr oduct ion pr ocesses . Reliable and eff ective detec- tio n of machined sur f ace def ects is o f gr eat impor tance in aut omatic indu stry that needs high surf ace aesthetics and machined pr ecision , it can obviou sly enhance the entir e eff iciency fo r the auto matic manuf actur ing . A novel imag e f ilter ha s been dev elo ped in this paper, it tr ansfo rm s the o rig inal imag e via F F T and then f ilter s o ut those Fo urier ar eas w hich F our ier energ y concentr ates o n . T hese F our ier ar eas co r respond to the backgr ound t ex tur e on ma- chined directions . T he m et hod can enha nce the text ur e def ects and reduce the eff ect of backg ro und tex


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