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36 6 2010 12 V o l 36 N o6 M e tal P rodu cts D ecember 20 10 do i: 10. 3969 / j. issn. 1003- 4226. 2010. 06. 009 张春雷 张伦 于林红 卞建春 黄磊 ( 214433) 2. 0 ~ 4. 0 mm 72A SEM F e O D v 60 mm m /m in 55 2 3 mmm /m in 940 930 120 ~ 150 g / L 140 ~ 160 g / L ( 50 5) ( 60 5) 200 ~ 300m /m in 4 00 ~ 500 m /m in 12 4 ; ; ; ; TG356. 26 On line phosphating process research of steel w ire heat treatm en t by ga s furna ce ZHANG Chun- le,i ZHANG Lun, YU Lin-hong, B IAN J ian-chun, HUANG Le i (J iang su Fasten Co. , L td. , J iangy in 214433, Ch ina) A b stract M ak ing u se o f the gas furnace hea t treatm ent on line p ickling phospha ting w ork ing line to heat treat and surface treat diam eter 2. 0 ~ 4. 0 mm 72A steelw ire appears su ch problem s as f inished steelw ire diam eter ou t o f to lerance and b ad steel w ire surface qua lity. It is found by SEM analysis th at stee lw ire appears nodular p ackage w hich influ ence phosph ating effect the cau se is produ c ing too m u ch F e O on steel w ire surface in the course o f heat treatm ent w hich in fluence p ick- 2 3 ling e ffect. By ch ang ing heat treatm ent and p ickling process p aram e ters the hea t treatm ent D v va lu e ch anged from 60mm m /m in to 55mm m /m in w ire tem p era ture ch anged from 940 to 930 hydroch lo ric ac id m ass concentration ch anged from 120 ~ 150 g /L to 14 0 ~ 160 g /L the acid temp erat


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