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DOI :10.13327/j.j jlau.2002.03.017
吉林农业大学学报 2002, 24 (3):60 ~64
Journal of J ilin Agricultural University
张晋京, 窦 森
(吉林农业大学腐殖物质研究室, 吉林长春130118)
:通过室内培养试验, 研究了玉米秸秆在暗棕 灼烧土中分解期间(1 ~ 192 h)胡敏酸(HA)、富里酸
(FA)数量与特性的动态变化规律。 结果表明:玉米秸秆分解期间, HA 的绝对数量增加, FA 的绝对数量先增加
后下降, 可提取腐殖质中HA 的比例(PQ)逐渐增加, 说明最初FA 的形成速度大于HA, 随培养时间延长, FA 转
化为HA;新形成HA、FA 的色调系数(ΔlogK)和活化度较高, 而相对色度(RF)较低, 说明新形成HA、FA 的氧化
程度和芳香性较低, 脂族性较高, 分子结构较简单;随培养时间延长, HA、FA 的ΔlogK 和活化度下降而 RF 增
加, 表明HA、FA 的氧化程度和芳香性增强, 脂族性降低, 分子结构复杂化。
: :A :1000-5684(2002)03-0060-05
Dynamic Changes of Humic Acid and Fulvic Acid in Ignited Soil
During Corn Stalk Decomposition
ZHANG Jin-jing, DOU S n
(Laboratory of Humic Substances , J ilin Agricultural University , Changchun, J ilin 130118, China )
Abstract:By m ans of an indoor incubating xp rim nt, dynamic chang s in th amounts and charact r-
istics of humic acid (HA)and fulvic acid (FA )in ignit d darkbrown soil during corn stalk d composition
w r studi d.Th r sults show d that th absolut amount of HA incr as d, and that of FA incr as d at
first, th n d cr as d;th proportion of HA in xtractabl humus (PQ )gradually incr as d, indicating
that FA took up formation fast r than HA in th initial stag of incubation.With prolong d incubation,
FA transform d into HA.ΔlogK and activation d gr of n w form d HA and FA w r high r, wh r as
RF of th irs was low r, indicating that n w form d HA and FA w r low r in th ir oxidation d gr and
aromaticity, but w r mor aliphatic and simpl in th ir mol cular structur .During corn stalk d compo-
sition, ΔlogK and activation d gr of HA and FA d cr as d, wh r as th ir RF incr as d, indicatin