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蚁肄芃芁薆肃肃蒆薂蚀膅荿蒈虿芈薅螇蚈羇莈蚃蚇聿薃蕿蚇膂莆蒅螆芄腿螄螅羄莄蚀螄膆膇蚆螃芈蒂薂螂羈芅蒈螁肀蒁螆螁膃芄蚂袀芅葿薈衿羅节蒄袈肇蒇莀袇艿芀蝿袆罿薆蚅袅肁莈薁袅膄薄蒇袄芆莇螅羃羅膀蚁羂肈莅薇羁膀膈蒃羀羀莃葿罿肂芆螈罿膄蒂蚄羈芇芄薀羇羆蒀蒆肆聿芃螅肅膁蒈蚁肄芃芁薆肃肃蒆薂蚀膅荿蒈虿芈薅螇蚈羇莈蚃蚇聿薃蕿蚇膂莆蒅螆芄腿螄螅羄莄蚀螄膆膇蚆螃芈蒂薂螂羈芅蒈螁肀蒁螆螁膃芄蚂袀芅葿薈衿羅节蒄袈肇蒇莀袇艿芀蝿袆罿薆蚅袅肁莈薁袅膄薄蒇袄芆莇螅羃羅膀蚁羂肈莅薇羁膀膈蒃羀羀莃葿罿肂芆螈罿膄蒂蚄羈芇芄薀羇羆蒀蒆肆聿芃螅肅膁蒈蚁肄芃芁薆肃肃蒆薂蚀膅荿蒈虿芈薅螇蚈羇莈蚃蚇聿薃蕿蚇膂莆蒅螆芄腿螄螅羄莄蚀螄膆膇蚆螃芈蒂薂螂羈芅蒈螁肀蒁螆螁膃芄蚂袀芅葿薈衿羅节蒄袈肇蒇莀袇艿芀蝿袆罿薆蚅袅肁莈薁袅膄薄蒇袄芆莇螅羃羅膀蚁羂肈莅薇羁膀膈蒃羀羀莃葿罿肂芆螈罿膄蒂蚄羈芇芄薀羇羆蒀蒆肆聿芃螅肅膁蒈蚁肄芃芁薆肃肃蒆薂蚀膅荿蒈虿芈薅螇蚈羇莈蚃蚇聿薃蕿蚇膂莆蒅螆芄腿螄螅羄 Unit 15—Unit 16 知识要点聚焦 1.重点词汇 单词:recognise,surely, explain,jewelry, continue, lovely, debt,precious,attend,earn,lecture,silly,besides,quality,experiment, advantage,disadvantage,comfort,unnecessary,successful,conduct,charge,electric,shock,prove,tear,control,sharp,foot,fasten,sense,test,doubt,cruel,view,conclusion 短语:call on,bring back,day and night,pay off,at most,act out,a number of,a great deal of,pick out,test on 2.重点句型 He must stay at home now. Jim can’t be in the room.You see,the light is out. He may come to watch the play. But you may not remember me. 3.交际用语 Could we/I…?May/Can I…? Do you mind…? He might…They must… Build the frame of the kite by making… First,fix a sharp piece of metal… Second,fasten a key to the end of the long string. It’s good for the economy.It is too expensive. 重点考点精释 1.辨析first of all/at first/at the beginning/in the beginning first of all“首先,第一”。此短语侧重于列举事项之“第一 (次)”,用于加强语气: First of all we must make the best of our present equimpment. at first“起先,当初”。此介词短语用于强调下一动作与开始 的完全不同,甚至相反,常与过去时连用: At first,the language stayed the same as the language used in Britain. at the beginning“开始,开端”。此介词短语可单独使用,也可 后接of短语,常指时间,也可指空间: At the beginning of this century a great many Europeans went to live in the USA 2.continue v.继续 Continue n. continue doing/to do continue (to be) adj. 介词短语 The rain continued for three days. They continued their game after lunch. He continued writing/to write late into the night. The weather continued cold. 3.call短语 Call for 需要;要求;号召;去(来)接 Call at some place 访问某地 Cal


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