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Know the detailed information(细节题 )直观性,推理性 2,细节类题的处理方法 (1)查读法---带着问题寻找答案 首先,快速通读文章,掌握主旨。然后看问题,带着问题集中概括寻找所需细节。 (2)按体裁组织模式阅读 按照文章的体裁(如按记叙文,说明文和议论文)以及作者写作的组织模式和相关信息词来预测所需事实或细节。 3,细节类题目的训练 Guess the meaning of the new word(猜词题) 1,猜词题类的常见设问方式 The word “____”probably means_____ The underlined word“____”could be replaced by____ What do you think the expression “____”stands for__ Which of the following words can take the place of the word “ —— “ ? 2,猜词题类的处理方法及训练 (1)因果推断法---结合上下文的因果关系来看。通常有because, as ,since ,as a result… E g. There were so many people in the street that he had to “elbow” his way ____ (2)前后对比法---有时,作者给出了一定的对比背景,比如,but, not, unlike, while ,however… E g. He is “homely ”,not as handsome(帅) as his brother _____ (3) 基本构词法---包括前缀,后缀,复合等. E g.“ Overwork” may cause diseases ____ (4) 语境理解法---我们平时说的”词不离句”,就是对于词语的正确理解要依赖于一定的语言环境 E g. Have you got bread or something? I’m really “famished” ____ Guess the main idea of the passage(主旨大意题) 1,主旨大意类题的常见设问方式 (1)What’s the main idea of this passage? (2)what does the passage mainly discuss? (3)From the passage we can learn that____ (4)What’s the best title for the passage? (5)The last paragraph is chiefly concerned with____ 3,主旨大意类题目的训练 what’s fashion? In my opinion, it contains two parts—“shi” means popularity, “shang” means good habits and qualities. Shall we think fashion is the most popular good habit and qualities? Since it is so, we should look upon it fairly and correctly. Don’t chase the popular things without any thinking. Fashion means different meanings when you have different personalities and different jobs. Maybe the current hairstyles and clothes styles don’t suit you fine, imitating others without your own mind may be laughed as “Dong shi ” . 主旨大意类题目的训练 Enjoy every day, even every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people you have never talked to before, and really listen, You should set your sights high, hold yo


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