陈新仁被含意:现象与启示 (2).ppt

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启示二:关于意义的类别 意义的表达和理解是语用学研究的中心话题。然而,意义是什么,包括什么?对于这样的问题除了一些学者区分规约含意与会话含意以及区分一般会话含意和特殊会话含意外就鲜有语用学家加以系统的探讨。 Levinson指出,语用学研究触及语义学理论所不能捕捉的所有意义: Pragmatics is the study of all those aspects of meaning not captured in a semantic theory. (Levinson 1983:12)。 问题是,这“所有意义”都包括什么,对此Levinson却语焉不详。 * Dept. of English Nanjing University * 同样,Vershueren 也认为需要全面考虑意义: ...... there is a need for a pragmatic return to meaning in its full complexity, allowing for interacting forces of language production and interpretation, doing full justice to the central role of meaning in human reality, whether cognitive, social or cultural. (Verschueren 1999:48) 本研究所涉及的用意或用心,或笔者在其它地方所讲的社会心理效应,则应该也是一一点一种类型,值得我们开展系统的语用考察。 * Dept. of English Nanjing University * 启示三:关于意图或意向性在话语理解理论建构中的作用 在Yule看来,语用学研究的说话人意义是说话人有意传达的。他说: This approach also necessarliy explores how listeners can make inferences about what is said in order to arrive at an interpretation of the speaker’s intended meaning. This type of study explores how a great deal of what is unsaid is recognized as part of what is communicated. We might say that it is the investigation of invisible meaning. Pragmatics is the study of how more gets communicated than is said. (Yule 1996:1) * Dept. of English Nanjing University * Grice的理论解释了说话人意思(speaker meaning)和句子意思(sentence meaning)之间如何可能存在有趣的裂隙。 Levinson(Levinson 1983:17)也曾指出,对于说话人意思的理解,难处在于听话人如何才能识别到说话人的复杂交际意图。 我们认为,对于语用学来说,所研究的意义未必都是说话有意传达的,毕竟影响交际的未必都是说话人意图这的意义。 * Dept. of English Nanjing University * Verschueren (1999:46)指出,意向性(intentionality)是语用学中最具争议的概念之一(p. 46)。他认为,在这一争议上的立场对于语用学理论构建至关重要(p. 47)。 It would be unwarranted to downplay the role which intentions also play. An important philosophical correlate of intentionality is ‘directedness’. Being directed at certain goals is no doubt an aspect of what goes on in language use. But it would be equally unwise to claim that every type of communicated meaning is directly dependent o


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