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楊棠堯 蔡燿全 年輕網路族對入門網站線上服務服務品質之評估準則與滿意度分析 中華管理學報 第三卷 第二期 第31-46頁 民國九十一年 PAGE 46 PAGE 45 年輕網路族對入門網站線上服務服務品質 之評估準則與滿意度分析 楊棠堯eq \o(\s\up 8(1 ),\s\do 3( )) 蔡燿全eq \o(\s\up 8(2 ),\s\do 3( )) eq \o(\s\up 8(1 ),\s\do 3( ))崑山科技大學會計系 台南縣永康市大灣路949號 Tel: 06-2710898 Fax: 06-2710898 E-mail: yangty@.tw eq \o(\s\up 8(2 ),\s\do 3( ))成功大學企業管理學系 台南市大學路1號 Tel: 06-2757575 ext 53339 Fax: 06-2710898 E-mail: tsaia@.tw 摘 要 本文旨在由年輕網路族的角度探討其在評估入門網站服務品質時所使用之評估準則及相關滿意度分析。研究結果顯示,大體而言網路族對入門網站之服務品質還算滿意。不過,在「安全性」及「可靠與反應」因素構面,包括資料傳輸之安全性、個人隱私權之保護、資料傳輸之正確性及誠意協助解決顧客問題等方面尚有許多需努力的地方。至於在評估準則的態度上,可區分為「顧客化導向群」、「可靠與反應導向群」、「資訊內容導向群」與「安全性導向群」四類,分別強調不同的評估重點;且不同線上服務品質認知導向群對入門網站各功能屬性重要性之認知亦有所差異。此外,就全體樣本而言,「資訊內容」、「安全性」與「可靠與反應」是影響網路族對入門網站線上服務品質滿意度較顯著的三個構面因素。 關鍵詞:入門網站、線上服務品質、使用者滿意度 The Evaluation Criteria and Satisfaction of Young Web Users on Portal Site Service Quality Tarng-Yao Yangeq \o(\s\up 8(1 ),\s\do 3( )) Yao-Chuan Tsai eq \o(\s\up 8(2 ),\s\do 3( )) eq \o(\s\up 8(1 ),\s\do 3( ))Department of Accounting, Kun-Shan University eq \o(\s\up 8(2 ),\s\do 3( ))Department of Business of Administration, National Cheng-Kung Abstract The purpose of this paper is to examine the criteria that young web users use to evaluate the portal site service quality and the relevant satisfaction issues. The results indicate that they are mostly satisfied. But, the degree of satisfaction is relatively lower on “security”, “reliability responsiveness.” In terms of the criteria adopted, they can be classified into four groups: “customize-oriented”, “reliability and responsiveness-oriented”, “information content-oriented” and “security-oriented.” And they have different importance perception on portal site functions. It also appears that the satisfaction of the four groups to portal site service quality is thus influenced respectively. However, “information content”, “security” and “reliability and responsiveness” are the three more significant factors when the satisfaction model is tested by the whole sample. Keywords:


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