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摘 要 ABSTRACT The design descriptions are totally for the frame structure of a workshop in Suzhou. With its original design resources and situation of the project, we have put forward some standards in aspects of construction and structure. We estimate the workshop 60m in length 28m in wid- th an have 5 floors. Then I drew construction figures under standards. According to original resources (wind load,seismic grade,live load on floor,etc) and figure of framework workshop, I worked out the worst internal force of structure, which I used to design the structure. Among the process of designation, I calculated bars,columns,floors and stairs in details. Besides,all the designation are fit to standards. Finally, I compared product designed by myself with the one designed by PKPM. As a result, the two designations are similar. Calculation by PKPM is also included in the calculation. Key words: situation of project, frame structure, internal force calculation, component designation. 目录 2.1 结构布置及计算简图 4 2.2 荷载计算 6 2.3 框架侧移刚度计算 11 2.4 横向水平作用下框架内力和侧移计算 12 2.5 竖向荷载作用下结构的内力计算 21 2.6 截面设计 44 2.7 楼板设计 51 2.8 基础设计 55 2.9 楼梯设计 61 PKPM建模数据 64 参考文献 72 致谢 73 设计任务及要求 ~10000,建筑等级为二类建筑。建筑基础埋深1.2m,一层层高5.4m,标准层高4.5m。建筑物平面形式为矩形,南北宽不超过40m,东西长40~60,室内外高差450mm。本建筑设楼梯二座(东、西两个出入口),电梯二部;无地下室为车库,各层由办公室、会议室及大空间操作车间等组成;顶层有电梯机房,屋面为平屋顶;平面、立面尺寸拟定应符合国家有关模数规范。 设计条件 冬季采暖室外空气计算温度-5℃,夏季通风室外空气计算温度30℃,冬季采暖室内空气计算温度18℃; 冬季主导风向


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