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第31 卷第4 期 系统工 程 学 报 Vol.31 No.4 2016 年8 月 JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Aug. 2016 政府价格补贴下绿色供应链管理扩散博弈模型 田一辉, 朱庆华 (大连理工大学管理与经济学部, 辽宁大连116024) 摘要: 为探究在政府价格补贴下竞争企业间绿色供应链管理的扩散过程, 建立了基于企业和消费者理性决策基础 上的三阶段演化博弈模型: 第一阶段为政府选择补贴决策目标以及单位产品的补贴额度, 第二阶段为市场中的竞 争企业选择是否实施绿色供应链管理, 第三阶段为选择不同策略的企业确定各自产品的价格. 通过数值仿真讨论了 政府的价格补贴给社会福利、绿色产品销量和实施绿色供应链管理的企业比例带来的影响. 研究表明, 政府的价格 补贴可以促进绿色产品的销量和价格上升, 增加实施绿色供应链管理的企业群体的收益. 关键词: 绿色供应链管理; 演化博弈; 扩散模型; 价格补贴 中图分类号: F272 文献标识码: A 文章编号:2016 doi: 10.13383/j.cnki.jse.2016.04.010 Game model for diffusion of green supply chain management based on price subsidies of the government Tian Yihui , Zhu Qinghua (Faculty of Management and Economics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China) Abstract: In order to investigate the diffusion process of GSCM among competitive enterprises based on the price subsidies of the government, this paper establishes a three-stage game model by considering the rational decisions of enterprises and consumers. The first stage is that the government determines the strategy and the amount of price subsidies. The second stage is that the competitive enterprises determine whether to implement GSCM. The third stage is that enterprises with different strategies determine their own products’ prices. Furthermore, a numerical case is presented to test the impacts of price subsidies on the social welfare, the sales of green products, and the proportion of the enterprises which implement GSCM. The results show that the price subsidies of the government can promote the sale and p


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