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36 3 V ol . 36 N o. 3 2010 6 Journal of L anzhou U niversity of T echnolog y Jun. 2010 : 16735 196( 20 10) 第三组元( AlCu) 添加对Fe83 Ga17 合金相结构和 磁致伸缩性能的影响 丁雨田, 刘广柱, 胡 勇 ( , 730050) : 通过非平衡凝固方式制备Fe Ga M (x = 0123; M = AlCu) 合金, 并对合金的相组成及其磁致 缩性 83 17- x x 能进行研究. 结果表明: 合金保持A2( bccF e( G a) ) 相结构, A lCu 均固溶于FeG a 合金, 添加的A l 优先存在于Ga Ga 团簇当中, 并与F e 形成bcc 结构的FeA l 固溶体; 随着添加量的增大, Cu 从基体中析出, 并在晶界处富集. A l 和 Cu 均对Fe G a 合金磁致 缩性能产生抑制作用, Cu 的抑制作用要小于Al . 对于F e Ga A l 合金, 当x = 2 时, 83 17 83 17- x x 饱和磁致 缩值达到最大; 添加Cu 的试样中, 当x = 23 时, 饱和磁致 缩值均达到最大. : FeGa 合金; 元素添加; 非平衡凝固; 相结构; 磁致 缩 : T G132; T G146 : A Influence of addition of third element ( Al, Cu) on phase constitution and magnetostriction of alloy Fe Ga 83 17 D NG Yut ian, L U Guangzhu, H U Yong ( St at e Key Lab orat ory of Gansu A dvanced Nonf errous M et al M at erial s, Lanz hou Univ . of T ech. , Lanzhou 730050, China) Abstract T ernary alloy s Fe83 Ga17x M x ( x = 0, 1, 2, 3; M = Cu or A l) w ere prepared by nonequilibr ium so lidif icatio n and t heir phase composit ion and magneto strict ion w ere invest igat ed by means of T EM , EDS, XRD, and resist ance w ire strain g aug e. T he r esult show ed t hat allo ys kept t he disordered A2( bccFe( Ga) ) str ucture. Al o r Cu w as present in so lid solut io n in FeGa alloy s. Al exist ed in t he GaGa clust e


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