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     Day 1 Much to Live For 热爱生活,让生命的体验成为一段美丽的乐符。翻开书页,睁开双眼,用心体会这优美的语言,聆听这智慧的声音。 There is so much I have not been, so much I have not seen. I have not thought and have not done or felt enough—the early sun, rain and the seasonal delight of flocks of ducks and geese in flight, the mysteries of late-at-night. I still need time to read a book, write poems, paint a picture, look at scenes and faces dear to me. There is something more to be of value—something I should find within myself—as peace of mind, patience, grace and being kind. I shall take and I shall give, while yet, there is so much to live for—rainbows, stars that gleam, the fields, the hills, the hope, the dreams, the truth that one must seek. I’ll stay here— treasure every day and love the world in my own way!  [ 注释]: seasonal delight: 季节性的喜悦 mystery: something that is not fully understood 秘密,谜 grace: a characteristic or quality pleasing for its charm 魅力,优雅 rainbow: a graded display of colors 虹,彩虹 gleam: to emit a gleam; flash or glow 闪光;闪烁或发光;闪耀    Day 2 Yao Ming: New Center Style   If 20 years ago you asked the average American basketball fan if a Chinese man could play center for an NBA team, his answer might have sounded something like this: “Ha ha. No, he’d be too short!” But now, the doubters are silent. Who closed their mouths? Houston Rockets, 2.26-meter-tall center Yao Ming, from China.   Yao Ming grew up in a family of basketball players. When he was 12, Yao Ming started going to an athletics academy outside of Shanghai and later spent a lot of time studying NBA games televised in China.  All this has paid off. Yao’s first NBA honor was his ranking as number-one draft pick, and he’s been elected for a Rookie-of-the-Month award. Yao Ming has a style different from those of tall centers in the past. He rarely goes for the flashy slams. He’d rather show off his silk-smooth 英语晨读精华 5 free-throw shots, or use his height to pop in jump shots from the three-point line.   [注释]: doubter: 持怀疑态度的人  ath


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