陕西科技大学工商管理硕士(MBA)课件-2015-《商务英语》-邢战雷-4-Corporate Culture.ppt

陕西科技大学工商管理硕士(MBA)课件-2015-《商务英语》-邢战雷-4-Corporate Culture.ppt

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The figure above depicts organizational culture as an intervening variable. Employees form an overall subjective perception of the organization based on various objective factors: such as the degree of risk tolerance, emphasis on teamwork, and support of people. This overall perception, in effect, becomes the culture or personality of the organization. These favorable or unfavorable perceptions then affect the performance and satisfaction of employees, with the impact being greater for stronger cultures. i.e. strengths is strong vs. weak culture Central power source Traditionally small, entrepreneurial organizations Power rings are centers for activity and influence Strings are functions and specialties Usually spawns other organizations Must concentrate on a few activities to work well More… Power Culture Based upon trust, empathy and personal conversation May be abrasive and competitive and result in turnover Few policies, procedures Control exercised by selection of key people Proud, strong, flexible Lots of faith placed in individuals, little in committees Trade unions, property, trading and finance companies Power Culture Strength in pillars (functions or specialties) Work and interaction in pillars controlled by: Procedures for roles (job descriptions) Procedures for communication Procedures for disputes Coordinated at top by narrow band of senior management Role Culture Strength in pillars (functions or specialties) Work and interaction in pillars controlled by: Procedures for roles (job descriptions) Procedures for communication Procedures for disputes Coordinated at top by narrow band of senior management More… Role Culture Job/project oriented Bring together appropriate resources (right people at right level) Influence based more on expert power than position or personal power Groups/project teams – mutual objective of accomplishing task More… Task Culture Adaptable culture TMT mainly responsible for resource allocation to projects teams (not day to day


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