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高考英语专题复习 书面表达 2006年度高考(江苏卷)英语学科考试内容 写作 要求考生根据提示进行书面表达。考生应能(1)在一定的语境中准确使用英语语法和词汇;(2)使用一定的句型和词汇,清楚、连贯地表达自己的意思。 《考试大纲》(江苏卷)提高了对考生书面表达能力的要求: 1.增加想像和发挥的空间; 2.提高对篇章结构的要求; 3.词数提高到120词左右。 Discussion How do you write a composition and what should be taken into consideration? How to make good writing 1.decide what type of writing it should be. 2.cover all the main points 3.think about the words, phrases, sentences we are going to pick up for the writing 4. make up sentences considering proper tense, person, employment of conj. and prep. and sentence patterns 5. develop all the information into a full composition 6. enough words 7. correct spelling and good handwriting. 六步法 1.审试题:明确中心,了解内容。 2.圈要点:原则(不多不少) 3.注短语:根据圈定内容注出相应的英语表 达法。 4.定基调:时态、人称、顺序和开头结尾。 5.写全文:一鼓作气,一气呵成,灵活处理 6.改病句:认真检查,改正错误,尤其是时态、人称、主谓一致、习惯用法、单词拼写等。 Three confirmations 1st confirmation: Type of writing 2nd confirmation: Tense 3rd confirmation: Person Structure Main Points in each paragraph 目前,我国汽车拥有量只占全世界的2%,但事故死亡人数却占全世界的22%左右。 1. At present, our country owns 2% of the cars in the world. But around the world, about 22% of people dying from traffic accidents are in China. 2. The number of the cars makes up only 2%of the total of the world, while the rate of the deaths is 22%. 我国已成为世界上道路交通事故最为严重的国家。 1.Our country has the most traffic accidents in the world. 2. China has become the country where the most serious traffic accidents happen. 3.Our country has the highest death rate of traffic accidents in the world. 2005年1-10月全国发生道路交通事故56.6万起,死亡人数9.56万人。 1. In 2005,from January to October, there were 566,000 traffic accidents and 95,600 people were killed. 2. The number of the traffic accidents came up to 566,000, in which 95,600 people lost their lives. 改进措施: 1. The government should take some measures to reduce traffic accidents. 2. Develop the public transportation system and persuade people to take buses or subway rather than drive private cars. 3. People should obey traffic rules, especially the drive


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