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广州二中高二必修五U1-U2 二.语法填空 In 1918, after four years of war which had left millions of people dead, the people alive began to look ______1____ a better life and_____2____(happy) world. The cinema supplied an answer. For little money, people could forget their unhappy lives and dream of better ______3____. In the years between 1918 and 1939, ______4___(go) to the cinema became the most popular family free-time activity. Hollywood , in America, made more films____5____any other film centre in the world. The warm climate and long hours of sunlight ______6_____(mean) that film-making was easy and quite cheap. This was also a rich part of America and there were many businessmen______7_____wanted to make money from the film industry. At first short cowboy films were popular because they added______8____(excite) and adventure to people’l lives. _____9____(late), comedy films were made so that people could laugh and forget ____10______troubles. 语法填空: 1.for 2.happier 3.ones 4.going 5.than 6.meant 7.who 8.excitement 9.Later 10.their 一.完型填空 A newly trained teacher named Mary went to teach at a Navajo Indian reservation. Every day, she would ask five of the young Navajo students to go to the chalkboard and complete a simple math problem form___1___homework. They would stand there, silently,__2__to complete the task. Mary couldn’t figure it out.___3___she had studied in her educational curriculum helped, and she ___4___hadn’t seen anything like it in her student-teaching days back in Phoenix. What am I doing wrong? Could I have chosen five students who can’t do the___5___?Mary would wonder. No, it couldn’t be that. Finally she asked the students what was wrong. And in their answers, she learned a ___6___lesson from her young Indian pupils about self-image and a(n)___7___of self-worth.. It seemed that the students ___8___each other’s individuality and knew that not all of them were capable of doing the problems ___9___at their early age, they understood the senselessness o


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