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Thinking Like an Economist 像经济学家一样思考 Chapter 2 Outline (概要) The Economist as Scientist 作为科学家的经济学家 The Economist as Policy Adviser 作为政策建议者的经济学家 Why Economists disagree 为什么经济学家意见会有分歧? The economic way of thinking . . . 经济学的思考方式…… Involves thinking analytically and objectively. 包括分析性的客观的思考 Makes use of the scientific method. 使用科学的方法 Uses abstract models to help explain how a complex, real world operates. 使用抽象的模型来帮助解释一个复杂的真实世界是如何运行的。 Develops theories, collects and analyzes data to evaluate the theories. 提出理论,收集并分析数据以检验理论 The Economic Way of Thinking 经济学的思考方式 钱颖一 (2002) Perspective (视角) Reference or Benchmark(参照系或基准点) Analytic Tools (分析工具) The Economic Perspective 经济学的视角 About the Individual Behavior(关于个人行为) Scarcity (稀缺性) Opportunity Cost (机会成本) Tradeoff (权衡) The Economic Perspective 经济学的视角 About Multi-Person Decisionmaking关于多人决策: Equilibrium (均衡) Efficiency (效率) Win-Win (是否双赢) Reference/Benchmark 参照系/基准点 General Equilibrium (Arrow-Debreu) 一般均衡理论 Coase Theorem (科斯定理) Modigliani-Miller Theorem 莫迪格里安尼-米勒定理 Monetary Neutrality Theorem货币中性定理 Economic Analytic Tools: Economic Models 经济学的分析工具:经济模型 The Economic way of thinking includes developing abstract models from theories and the analysis of the models.经济学的思考方式包括建立抽象的理论模型,并进行分析。 Uses two approaches (使用两种方法) Descriptive (reporting facts, etc.)描述性的(报告事实) Analytical (abstract reasoning)分析的(抽象推理) The Scientific Method 科学的方法 Observation (观察) Theory (理论) And More Observation (更多的观察) The Scientific Method 科学的方法 Theoretical Analysis: Explain how real world operates 理论分析:解释真实世界如何运行 The Role of Assumptions 假设的作用 Economists make assumptions in order to make the world easier to understand. 经济学家做出假设为了使得这个世界更好理解 The art in scientific thinking is deciding which assumptions to make. 科学思考的艺术是决定做出哪些假设 Economists use different assumptions to answer different questions. 经济学家使用不同的假设来回答不同的问题 The Economic Models 经济模型 Economists use models to simplify reality in order to improve our understanding of the world. 经济学家使用模型来简化事情以使我们更好地理解世界。


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