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Homework: Problem 1.14, Problem 1.16, Problem 1.17. Summary : Supplement Supplement 1: Wave function Supplement 2: Operator Above normalization only fixes the modulus of A;the phase remains undetermined. However, as we shall see, the latter (phase) carries no physical significance anyway. Suppose we have normalized the wave function at time t = 0. Question: How do we know that it will stay normalized, as time goes on and ? evolves ? You can’t keep renormalizing the wave function, for then A becomes a function of t , and you no longer have a solution to the Schr?dinger equation. Fortunately, the Schr?dinger equation has the property that: It automatically preserves the normalization of the wave function . Without this crucial feature the Schr?dinger equation would be incompatible with the statistical interpretation, and the whole theory would crumble ! So we’d better pause for a careful proof of this point: Note that the integral is a function only of t, so we use a total derivative (d/dt) in the first term, but the integrand is a function of x as well as t, so it’s a partial derivative (?/?t) in the second one. By the product rule, Now the Schr?dinger equation says that and hence also (taking the complex conjugate of Eq. [1.23]) so The integral (Eq.[1.21]) can now be evaluated explicitly: But ?(x,t) must go to zero as x goes to ? ?, otherwise the wave function would not be normalizable. It follows that and hence that the integral on the left is constant (independent of time); if ? is normalized at t = 0, its stays normalized for all future time. QED For a particle in state ?,the expectation value of x is What exactly does this mean ? It emphatically does not mean that if you measure the position of one particle over and over again, ?x|?|2dx is the average of the results you’ll get. Rather, ?x? is the average of measurements performed on particles all in


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